Example sentences of "[verb] in [noun sg] [to-vb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The real solution lies in cooperation to eliminate the causes of illegal migration , in easing the situation of countries from where migrants flow through economic assistance , training and other means , ’ Mr Boross said .
2 ‘ The real solution lies in cooperation to eliminate the causes of illegal migration , in easing the situation of countries from where migrants flow through economic assistance , training and other means , ’ Boross said .
3 Where there was reluctance — as in Britain — middle-class pressure had to be brought to bear in order to convince the politicians that something ought to be done .
4 These and other differences must all be considered in order to understand the landforms produced by the various types of climate .
5 But they could still be summoned to appear in court to answer the allegations of their creditor , to admit or give good reasons for disclaiming them — if the sum involved was less than £5,000 in a county court , if more in the High Court .
6 The minimum period which a prisoner can be expected to serve in order to satisfy the requirements of retribution and deterrence has become known as the tariff period .
7 This approach is not adopted in order to personalise the issues but to reflect the legal position .
8 Adaptations were made in order to incorporate the idiosyncrasies of the evolving Slavonic languages Bulgarian , Serbian , Macedonian and Russian — within the domain of the Orthodox Church .
9 The plaintiff may have made the most material changes in his position , and have induced the object of his affections to do the same , and have incurred pecuniary liabilities resulting in embarrassments , which would be in every sense a loss , if the income which had been promised should be withheld ; and if the promise was made in order to induce the parties to marry , the promise so made would be , in legal effect , a request to marry .
10 All patterns are made in paper to try-cut the parts , and each seam is pre-stretched in turn as the shape is built up .
11 Other doctor 's patients are having their operations postponed in order to allow the patients of G P fundholders to be treated first .
12 Mr Marchant said one way ahead would be to run the concerts on a subscription basis , with members paying in advance to attend the concerts .
13 However , Zafy rejected the settlement on Nov. 7 , calling for it to be renegotiated in order to re-balance the powers of the various transitional authorities .
14 When poetry , the oldest form of writing ( apart from household accounts ) came into being , it was written to serve a purpose : Sappho 's lyrics entertained the guests at wedding parties ; the bravery of warriors was celebrated in song to encourage the others and thrill the attendant crowds .
15 A set of reasons was given for re-organisation in terms of linking an appropriate size to the functions to be performed in order to reap the benefits of the economies of scale .
16 This is important as video evidence of illegal activities etc. , can later be used in court to substantiate the groups claims .
17 McCann refused to be nominated ; he took the quite accurate view that the meeting had been called in order to incorporate the militants , attach the lustre of their achievements to a new , more moderate group of leaders and thus deny them any significant influence .
18 The saddlery is equipped with an alarm but owner Bill Perratt said the raid was over so quickly no one could react in time to catch the culprits .
19 The specific features of Poland are isolated in order to assess the prospects of similar trends in other socialist countries .
20 This is exactly what Chancellor Norman Lamont is about to do in order to find the resources with which to give the economy its required boost .
21 As a result , a consignee of an English waybill does not need to present present the waybill to obtain the goods ; all the consignee needs to do in order to obtain the goods is to identify himself .
22 I think that the question is how much are we going to sacrifice in order to satisfy the developers ' erm er desire to have virtual guarantees that the site will be available as and when they want it .
23 A number of factors can be examined in order to improve the chances of sales success in both sales negotiations and pure selling .
24 Third , the information given to subjects is manipulated in order to determine the effects of ‘ first information ’ or ‘ impressions ’ .
25 The only real snag was that venues were posted in advance to assist the spectators and so could not be changed to suit the prevailing weather conditions .
26 If the site is not in danger of being destroyed , it may be possible to raise funds to conserve the site for display , and the way the site is presented depends largely on the nature of the remains : the ruins of an Islamic mosque for example , may need the walls to be strengthened and made safe , and suitable access provided in order to view the remains .
27 Finally it was Gnaeus Manlius Vulso 's victory over the Galatians in 189 B.C. which justified the intervention of the Romans in Asia Minor and furnished them with the clients they needed in order to control the ambitions of Pergamum .
28 Large third-world cities are particularly at risk , as the depletion of groundwater reserves is likely to accelerate in order to meet the needs of a rapidly expanding population .
29 The Green Paper , said the IPM , ’ is primarily aimed at particular abuses which it is the duty of Government to address in order to protect the rights of the individual . ’
30 There is , however , no evidence that Boniface viewed Pirmin in this way , and in the next generation the followers of Boniface and Pirmin worked in harmony to create the foundations of the Carolingian church .
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