Example sentences of "[verb] be [to-vb] the [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Part of my job as your representative has been to put the views and ideas offered by you , the teacher , to the organising committees of the Society .
2 Thus for those choosing to work with vertebrates , the tendency has been to abandon the mazes and skinner boxes of earlier generations of psychologists in favour of classical conditioning of very simple reflexes ( such as heart-rate or eye-blink ) in rabbits , where the neural circuitry can be reasonably clearly mapped .
3 When playing with Dominoes , Lotto cards , Snap cards , etc. , the predominant thought has been to use the pictures or patterns on them for matching one-to-one , yet the example quoted shows valuable spin-offs that lead to other equally important mathematical experiences .
4 The aim of this chapter has been to discuss the opportunities and problems associated with ward learning .
5 I mean the only thing that an appeal fund like that should do is to give the widows and dependents of the the dead of the platform , it should give them immediate money to tide them over until they get their compensation which they need .
6 The most you can hope to do is to record the songs that you like , and that is as much ‘ planning ’ as there is in Kiss .
7 ought to do is to eat the things that he 's saying that nobody wants .
8 The first thing to do is to consider the antecedents and consequences of the PB .
9 Fleury was not sure that his own teeth were very sound either so they decided that the best thing to do was to suck the cakes and perhaps dip them in the tea to soften them .
10 We decided that the best thing to do was to hide the bicycles and the panniers separately — which was sensible — and then take refuge with the prisoners beyond the embankment until the storm was over — which was not .
11 Sober reflection would have shown him that the sensible procedure would have been to phone the police and get them to ask the Bomb Disposal Squad to come and check the bag out .
12 What he did was to copy the practices that he observed within his school .
13 What the programme did was to identify the creepy-crawlies and rodents , follow the emigration as modernisation proceeded , and the immigration as those who were able ( an off-putting number ) returned to enjoy central heating , fitted carpets and old food packets .
14 The government 's answer had been to increase the responsibilities and accountability of management and put a good deal of political energy into the efficiency strategy .
15 All that now remains is to fit the stand-offs and stretchers ( also called whiskers or whiskas in some kites ) which enable the kite to adopt its conical shape , and as described earlier , to Induce ‘ washout ’ or reflex angle at the tips .
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