Example sentences of "[verb] the first time [pers pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 On one of these trips to London when I was at school , good when we went with the Brownies , I went two or three times and er , one time when I was a bit older , I mean the first time I went as I say I was only about seven , but , when I was a bit older I went again , they said if
2 Yeah it is , I mean the first time I bought it
3 times , I forget the first time I had her .
4 It was not difficult for Laura to remember the first time she had set eyes on Ross Wyndham , because it had also been the day of her cousin 's wedding .
5 For a split second he experienced that same numbing fear he had felt the first time he had come under enemy fire .
6 Tsu Ma knelt down and held his shoulders , nodding , remembering how he had felt the first time he had seen the ritual , not then knowing what was happening , nor why .
7 How did Doctor Jekyll feel the first time he became Mr Hyde ?
8 Remembering the first time I 'd done the climb , back in 1964 , an echo of precise-edged delicacy tingled in my mind .
9 His finest moment came the first time he opened the hall door to a visitor and , standing a little aside , intoned , " Follow me , sir , " before proceeding with due dignity to announce the guest at the door of the morning room .
10 He recalled the first time he had seen the impressive building as a schoolboy on a day 's outing to see the sights of London .
11 Even now she vividly recalled the first time she saw Nader at the exclusive Royal Club , a dining , gambling and sports centre .
12 These hijras are very bad and very dirty ladies , ’ he had said the first time I tried to give Razia a lift in his car .
13 . Said the first time she came round she did n't look at it , and then , after that she looked really I hope she does n't fall .
14 It is unlikely that any of us could remember the first time we saw our own reflection ( mirrors often form part of toys aimed at very small babies , such as activity mats or cot toys , and there are , of course , lakes , kettles and other possibilities for reflection ) ; what is likely is that it was a member of our family ( probably our mother ) who told us : ‘ That 's you , that 's what you look like ’ .
15 I can hardly remember the first time I felt that we loved each other .
16 I can remember the first time I got drunk on Scotch .
17 I do n't know how much of it I remembered , cos I 've seen it so often now , mm , ca n't remember the first time I saw it Did n't know .
18 Y'know , I can remember the first time I wore them .
19 It was a bit perplexing the first time I heard the chant though , because of the other associations that could be drawn from it !
20 And we talked of the Red Fort and how Pakeezah had cried the first time she went around it as a schoolgirl .
21 Added to that , there was something about the Wartberg works that I found soothing the first time I went there for the interview .
22 Though tragically killed in a recent motorbike accident , Madra was an undisputed maestro of the art , as well as an easy and informative friend whom I had known for some time , so it was a shock to witness the epic genius which came through him , and the transformation which both he and his audience underwent in that open village square the first time I saw him perform .
23 ‘ I remember the first time we went to bed and did the business .
24 Cos th I remember the first time I went down that way over the bridge .
25 It 's cos they do n't go out see and when they do go out I remember the first time I took them down the park , they were like monkeys
26 I remember the first time I offered Dana one of these cigarettes : he accepted one , and I then took one myself .
27 I remember the first time I saw him , appearing out of the winter darkness in that unmade-up lane outside his house in Greenwich .
28 ‘ I remember the first time I met Les very well .
29 " I remember the first time I tried that , " said Kian .
30 I remember the first time I used the frail I got a clout o' the skull that I 'd remember .
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