Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun sg] at first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Injunctions were issued against The Observer and The Guardian newspapers to prevent them from publishing extracts from Peter Wright 's book and the Court of Appeal , overruling the judge at first instance , held that although publication by The Independent newspaper and others could not be a breach of those injunctions nevertheless , since they knew of their issue , they could be guilty of contempt of court if their publication interfered with the course of justice .
2 Mr Mayhew was at the scene of the latest bombing outrage in Magherafelt earlier today to see the carnage at first hand .
3 Flavia became aware of her voice and that it was loud , aware of herself on her feet rapidly walking the floor at first light .
4 ‘ You may stay and catch the ferry at first light when it crosses but that is your decision . ’
5 The Appellate Court of Illinois , affirming the decision at first instance , rejected both arguments , holding that VWoA was agent by operation of law as an ‘ involuntary agent ’ under a well-established doctrine in the law of Illinois , and that the Convention was inapplicable to service effected within the borders of the United States .
6 During the last few years , we have begun to learn something of these mothers ' true feelings from the women who suffered the regime at first hand : what stands out in such accounts is the emotion which is still generated in the mother by her own memories .
7 The IRA , will no doubt , argue that it is taking its fight to mainland Britain to let the English feel the war at first hand ; to sicken the English and to cause them to pressurise their government to withdraw from Ireland .
8 ( p944 ) His Lordship specifically rejected the argument that drivability was the sole test of merchantability and overturned the decision at first instance ( [ 1987 ] 2 WLR 353 ) where it is held that the vehicle was merchantable as its defects did not destroy " the workable character " of the machine .
9 Many of the more intractable problems involved with merger of solicitors ' firms will be within the province of the accountancy profession : and the best advice as to how to reconcile the apparently irreconcilable will be obtained not through the pages of any book but from a fellow professional who has actually and successfully observed the process at first hand .
10 On the other hand , since most teenage mothers in the great majority of developing countries are married , corrective measures might be concerned first with advancing the age at first marriage through an alteration of the cultural elements that prescribe early marriage and affecting greater use of contraceptives among married teenagers .
11 The 33-year-old regular No. 3 took the helm at first string , and proceeded to open up an early lead for his side with a fine win over Neil Shorrock .
12 The Court of Appeal supported the decision at first instance to leave all four children at home but recognised that the local authority had been acting quite properly in bringing the case to court .
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