Example sentences of "[verb] the [adj] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If uniforms distinguish the different grades of nursing and domestic staff , then this is useful information for the nurse to communicate to the patient .
2 There are also systems ( e.g. in Australian and New Guinea languages ) that distinguish the three dimensions of space , having demonstratives that gloss as " the one above the speaker " , " the one below the speaker " , " the one level with the speaker " as well as distinguishing relative distance from participants ( see e.g. Dixon , 1972 : 262ff re Dyirbal ) .
3 Economic pressures producing changes in family structure may , for example , influence the higher-order structure of society only a generation or two later .
4 Mixed development met the sociological dictates of urbanity and community ; it met the planning critics of inter-war sprawl ; and it met architectural requirements of variety in materials ( concrete , brick , wood , pebbles and strong colours ) .
5 Later the same day he met the Turkish Commander of Ground Forces , Gen. Muhittin Fisunoglu , in Islamabad .
6 Nicolo watched as Caroline spooned the last bit of tiramisu from her dessert plate .
7 Just lacked the normal sense of urgency … maybe this is a deliberatle ploy by Wilko too ?
8 As Alan had to enter the site as part of his job , he lacked the necessary degree of voluntariness necessary for the defence .
9 Maybe , Charles reflected , his son-in-law was the result of some cloning experiment , by which creatures from another planet had created something that looked like a human being , but lacked the essential circuitry of humanity .
10 Either therefore I am being non-cooperative or I intend to convey something rather different : ( 34 ) Queen Victoria was made of iron The straightforward interpretation is that since Queen Victoria in fact lacked the definitional properties of iron , she merely had some of the incidental properties like hardness , resilience , non-flexibility or durability .
11 His countrymen , who had predominated in the audience , lacked the musical appreciation of German and Italian peoples .
12 Another speaker at the Congress , the communist deputy V. I. Belov , argued that the Russian Republic was in fact in a position of some disadvantage compared with the other republics , since it alone lacked the full range of party , state and scientific institutions .
13 Samuel Barber 's Adagio for Strings was well enough played but lacked the last ounce of passion , and suffered badly from the aurally obtrusive air conditioning system , Randall Thompson 's Alleluya showed that the Festival Chorus on this occasion were equally as adept at unaccompanied singing as their counterparts had been last week .
14 It is therefore not surprising that he should here stress the psychological aspects of pain and its control rather than the nuts and bolts of nociceptors , unmyelinated afferents , spinothalamic tracts and those splendid phrases designed to send medical students back to sleep in the belief that they now understand pain mechanisms .
15 AN OBJECT lesson for all those who bemoan the artistic indifference of government , last night 's Omnibus ( BBC 1 ) looked at a political leader who took the closest interest in art , a mediocre and embittered water-colourist who eventually turned to another medium — mass emotion and warfare .
16 There we go ( Note that , in most cases , the three kinds of sentences only favour the three kinds of interpretation . )
17 He hugged himself against the sudden freezing wind then scrambled to his feet as it whipped the first drops of rain through the open door .
18 Neither Melchett nor Porritt fits the usual patterns of lordship , but their presence is reassuring to members who like to see guarantees of moderation and respectability flown at the masthead .
19 The programmer writes programs to unleash the powers of the machine ; the designer writes an interface for the program that fits the personal needs of tailor , musician , secretary or — dare we hope — journalist .
20 Figure 1 b shows the rotation rate residuals after allowing for the increased value of slowdown rate which fits the later part of Fig. 1 a .
21 All this has no doubt limited the perceived usefulness of union membership to workers .
22 The general subordination of the British state to the interests of civil society has limited the relative autonomy of state groups , although they have had a certain freedom to ‘ navigate ’ between the competing demands of different groups and classes , for example in the realm of industrial relations ( Edwards 1986 : 168–72 ) .
23 As a broad generalization , the half-century since the end of the Second World War , has witnessed the gradual retreat of state hierarchical coordination in favour of greater elements of market coordination .
24 The same trends are observable in both Zambia and in Tanzania where we have witnessed the gradual shift of power and responsibilities from a University organised Institute to a national one and from the Institute into the Ministry itself .
25 In Scotland during the past year we have witnessed the distasteful spectacle of Dounreay scouring the planet and touting for business as the nuclear prostitute of the world , seeking to sign as many contracts as possible to dispose of other countries ' spent nuclear fuel while the clock ticks away towards the 1994 deadline set by the Government when funding for the 250 MW prototype fast reactor will cease .
26 The first , ‘ Verifiability ’ ( 1945 ) , suggested modifications of the principle of verification to accommodate the essential indeterminacy of symbolism ( ‘ open texture ’ ) .
27 Never leaving us to feel that he has short-changed us , each observation complete in itself , as if it has been roundly considered before utterance , he manages to accommodate the following items of interest in that eighteen hundred words : a comparison between Hebridean manners of burial and Roman funeral rites ; the weather ( repeatedly ) ; the literacy of the Hebrideans ; how travellers are accommodated , there being no hotel system ; diet — wild-fowl , fish , venison , beef , mutton , goat , poultry , bread ; whisky for breakfast ( the morning dram , known as a ‘ skalk ’ ) ; the availability of tea , coffee , marmalade and other preserves , honey and cheese ; trading practices — wine from the French in exchange for wool ; culinary variety , short on vegetables other than potatoes , not good on custards ; napery , crockery and cutlery ; the abating fervour of the clans in the wake of Culloden ; and he believed he saw the slow rise of prosperity under the ‘ unpleasing consequences of subjection , .
28 ( They disport themselves to accommodate the next piece of mime , which consists of the PLAYER himself exhibiting an excitable anguish ( choreographed , stylized ) leading to an impassioned scene with the QUEEN ( cf. " The Closet Scene " , Shakespeare Act III , scene iv ) and a very stylized reconstruction of a POLONIUS figure being stabbed behind the arras ( the murdered KING to stand in for POLONIUS ) while the PLAYER himself continues his breathless commentary for the benefit of ROS and GUIL . )
29 To accommodate the different types of housing required , the Committee recommended a range of densities : from 30 persons per acre for suburban development to 100 persons per acre for town centres , rising to a maximum of 120 for the largest cities .
30 Taking it down to her cellars she cut holes in its surface to accommodate the inverted bottles of Champagne .
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