Example sentences of "[verb] and [pron] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I asked my neighbour to turn down her records as I found it impossible to concentrate and she said the only way she could cope with the stress of her reality was to blast her music .
2 It is as if this had been the artificial carapace which had now dissolved and there emerged the smiling , bright-eyed figure of Eliot , with an expression close to that of the photographs taken of him in childhood .
3 I 've just rung and you get the usual b-shit at first then they patch you through to the club-call line in England .
4 Folding the sheet containing the poem into what I hoped was the perfect paper 'plane , I waited until Mrs Burton 's back was turned and I launched the message-bearing missile in Belinda 's direction .
5 His was the first correct solution selected and he knew the Premier League teams who have not played in European competitions are Crystal Palace , Wimbledon , Oldham , Norwich , Sheffield United , Middlesbrough and Blackburn .
6 I did n't know what he was talking about but I dutifully obeyed and we trailed the shambling figure as he made his way drunkenly out through a postern gate and down the steep , narrow alleyways of Nottingham .
7 This undemanding life-cycle had never been disrupted and I read the new lecture list partly just out of habit and partly for the simple pleasure of seeing my name in print .
8 Here a simple conceptualisation as is serviceable for the purpose of this book is made and it follows the main elements of Miliband 's [ 1969 ] .
9 Now and then the faint popping of the jet stopped and I restored the dim-blue circle with a match .
10 The alterations in progress when we were last at Fornebu , Oslo 's airport , are now completed and we follow the new sign to baggage reclaim .
11 The evening breeze also brought the sounds of singing and he recognised the lusty bellowing of Ranulf .
12 Having just completed long negotiations with the various provider units in the area , the authority is now keen to ensure contracts are honoured and it gets the best value healthcare available .
13 I know some people say it takes time , but I think if you spend a year producing a lamb it is nice to see it sold and you do the best you can for it .
14 you know that is the , erm two or three things there , you 're working by yourself in your , your personal preparation prepa preparation are crucial parts , erm , if any of the people were thinking of going to erm , erm , a college , erm , the same sort of thing will arise and I suppose the big difference for if you do n't have lessons then I think I 'm right in saying you do n't necessarily have to go in , I do n't know whether that still applies , erm , you would be expected of course to erm , erm , to turn up at school here , erm , now there are advantages and disadvantages , you may feel that you prefer , knowing on your own what you 're like , you 'll prefer erm some fairly rigid rules , erm , because if there were n't rules you might think you 'd take advantage of us
15 The mirror was broken and she hated the casual glimpses she got of her face as she cleaned her teeth or when she passed the hall-stand .
16 From the Eleventh Dynasty , in the Coffin Texts and the Book of the Two Ways , the Underworld has become a realm with many danger which must be conquered and which express the natural fear of death .
17 Now Dr Winfield — and I have ratified this — made 127 sorties ; he could not have enjoyed his period at the Institute very much because he never seemed to he there , But he would come on a station with some project he wanted to fully research and he believed the only way to fully research these things was to " try them out on the dog " .
18 Investigative procedure will follow and we keep the two things clear we 're making the the treasurer is erm suggesting that this provence of the URC makes no , makes not to increase .
19 Yeah , you 're told you 're going and we spend the first day overcoming barriers to the fact that they do n't know why they 're there , they 've just been sent and it 'll be good for you , you know this sort of stuff .
20 I visited a college there in , in that offshore island in the Indian Ocean and met the principal of that theological college and I said to him , I asked him how the college was going and he gave the same blandness to his answer as to my question and then he said of his theological college we are still training an aristocracy for the church and ensuring the inertia of the people of God .
21 They are unproven and overexaggerated and they miss the essential point .
22 She imagined he looked almost relieved and she felt the same .
23 But I had no time to reply because just then the door opened and there stood the old lady in her black lace dress .
24 The door opened and I covered the terrible state of my face with hair .
25 Nineteenth-century legislation swept away the fictions upon which trover was based and it became the modern action for conversion , though no change was made in the substance of the law .
26 It was a relief when we felt ourselves fairly started and we enjoyed the beautiful sail down Loch Tarbert …
27 Then someone dragged me along to learn meditation , which I found did most of the things advertised for it — you feel more focused and it reduces the interminable mental chatter that stops you getting to sleep at night .
28 Ceolwulf left England himself in 796 in the company of the bishop of London ( ASC A , s.a. 794 ) but whether to go on pilgrimage or into exile is not known and he died the same year ( ASC D , s.a. 796 ) .
29 One at least of these has for certain survived and it includes the 1916 drawing of the course reproduced in this publication .
30 As we flew closer and lower they looked up and waved and I recognized the pathetic twisted wreckage of T for Tommy .
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