Example sentences of "[verb] and [verb] with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He assumed the best approach was to try and joke with the audience and he asked : ‘ You would n't say to Shakespeare , that was a good book , can we have another chapter now ?
2 In the case of multiple bereavement the main issue would seem to be to try and recognize with the person how many griefs they experience and where they would want to start talking about them , rather than launch into where we think they should begin .
3 For instance , on Big World Café they had a new and young Black male presenter ( Hawkeye Cherry ) teamed up with a more experienced White woman presenter ( Mariella Frostrup ) , so there was a kind of playing-off of inequalities , if you like , of gender against those of age and race , presumably to try and break with the hegemony of young(ish) White males in the area of music programming .
4 Now I 'm going to try and deal with the qualification .
5 The same principle applies to those whose natural instinct is to try and merge with the wallpaper .
6 In order to try and comply with the Sports Council 's insistence that we need to shorten our teacher training , the new students will follow a more intensive programme , scheduled on more frequent training days , to be known as Course II .
7 The tensions generated by this contradiction deepened and broadened with the passage of time .
8 Sir John Menzies was part of that , by his marriage to Atholl 's daughter , and Atholl dined and intrigued with the Lord Advocate when he went to Edinburgh for the season .
9 He used to come and talk with the crew .
10 If your father agrees , would you like to come and help with the table like you did last month ? ’
11 A type 2 statistical error is possible in a clinical study of 17 patients , but our observations were very precise and carefully validated and agree with the results of a recent much larger study from Australia .
12 Australian batsman Geoff Marsh , an asthmatic , is contributing to a TV advertising campaign to help people recognise and deal with the health problem .
13 This will give Fr John time to meet and talk with the children , their parents and teacher .
14 The launch , however , behaved like a well-trained work-horse and merely rose and fell with the swell .
15 He moved and spoke with the caution of a glass-boned theologian .
16 They would chat and flirt with the legionnaires , making them buy champagne and other expensive drinks , in return for which they would provide female company and , if they found the legionnaire attractive , they would sleep with them .
17 We could not wait and joined with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to commission experiments in Canada .
18 She could see them standing on the ridge of hill that rose up behind Tara 's eastern boundaries , sending out the strong magic of the Samhailt to their creatures , so that the woods and the streams and the hillsides thrummed and quivered with the Mindsong .
19 The great wall girdle wall was decorated and inscribed with the drama of " The Triumph of Horus over His Enemies " , with which Imhotep appears to have become connected .
20 This practice of marking searches , requisitions , etc , should be an invariable one for three reasons : ( 1 ) it compels you to consider each question and reply before marking it ; ( 2 ) it will save your time in selecting answers that require further action , and will avoid your reading through the enquiries again later on to make sure that the replies to them are in order ; and ( 3 ) it is a permanent record that at the time of the transaction you not only made your search , etc , but duly considered and dealt with the replies .
21 The meeting was held to contain and deal with the mobilization of an estimated 400-500 re-contras ( disbanded contras who had again taken up arms ) in the northern Jinotega province .
22 She 'd been amazed to see Nelson working for her — and even more amazed to see how good he was at it , laughing and chatting with the customers , apparently having the time of his life .
23 He subsequently saw them laughing and talking with the guard before the train left Birmingham and described both youngsters as well dressed ; the boy was wearing a school uniform of yellow and brown with cap to match and scarf .
24 It is steamed and served with the rest of the meal .
25 My daughter , Dr Ann Mitchell , who got her PhD at Heriot-Watt University in microbiology , spends much of her time in the Caquita Medio region of the Columbian Amazon , living and working with the Uitoto y Muinane Indians observing their healing techniques and categorising and collecting plant specimens .
26 It comes about that the merchant has to go to the fair at Bruges on his business , and while he spends part of a day before departure in his counting-house reviewing his affairs the monk meets and converses with the wife .
27 If I put me country and western records on I just done and dance with the dog all morning .
28 On a more mundane level , I have felt delight in contemplating some phenomenon of nature which I have seen and felt with the emotions of a child when I have escaped from the prison house of our habitual thoughts .
29 It may also include very small remains such as pollen grains , that can only be seen and identified with the aid of a microscope .
30 Listen , then , you 've seen and spoken with the man , and have some insight into his mind . ’
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