Example sentences of "[verb] and [verb] [pron] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We got to hear about this " mad American " who had designed and built himself a magnificent villa in an almost inaccessible spot on the side of the mountain .
2 Or her , ’ she would add scrupulously , being among other things a feminist ) , but in practice this does n't seem to affect her behaviour very noticeably — she seems to have ordinary human feelings , ambitions , desires , to suffer anxieties , frustrations , fears , like anyone else in this imperfect world , and to have a natural inclination to try and make it a better place .
3 In the meantime , I want you all to try and build me a decent-sized castle , right ? ’
4 And on top it was terrible , I used to try and comb it a certain way .
5 I 'll be in again first thing in the morning to see him , so I 'll be able to come and wish you a Merry Christmas , Faye . ’
6 Perhaps next time you could surrender and call it a tactical strike without arms . ’
7 Such information was not highly ‘ theoretical ’ but it helped build up an objective picture of the people who went to the theatres I studied and gave me a useful corrective to people who made sweeping generalizations such as ‘ the theatre is for everyone . ’
8 The dragon 's tail whipped around as it passed and caught him a stinging blow across the forehead .
9 The original wall survives at the base to a greater degree than we had realised and gives us a substantial footing .
10 Five minutes later , an Arab in a small blue van stopped and gave me a few kilos of tangerines .
11 no it 's not , it 's been designed especially for it so erm he 's gon na get erm , I said what are you doing all this for I said , it 'll be easier to go and buy yourself a three wheeler
12 Steve looked at it , he said I think you 'd better go to shop and buy yoursen a new one .
13 Wilson found it hard to believe Mr Landor had ever written poetry , that he had ever been judged a great poet , but Miss Blagden , who had moved into the Casa Guidi for the winter , swore that he had been much admired and gave her a whole list of his published works .
14 She turned and threw him a desperate look .
15 And I was walking away , and turned and gave him a great kick , you know , right in his balls , and I said , ‘ Come on then ’ , took a mad fit , you know , and I
16 Before disappearing through the brick arch she turned and gave him a final smile and a wave .
17 But , when he turned and gave her a warm , infectious grin , she found it difficult not to smile back at him .
18 Julius turned and gave her a faint smile .
19 The man turned and gave me a friendly nod , before taking up a small piece of wood with pencil markings on it .
20 In the doorway Battler turned and gave me a final beam for good measure , then they were gone .
21 At the door he turned and gave me a last despairing look and I saw him no more .
22 The two sisters were both in their fifties , both ex-nurses , neither ever married ; they 'd taken on the restaurant as a late-life decision when their father had died and left them a shared inheritance .
23 It took me right to the McDarroch days as he fished out one forceps after another , opened and shut them a few times then tried them on me .
24 Dared she stop and wish him a happy Christmas ?
25 The fishmonger blessed her for calling and wished her a continued pleasant time in their beautiful city .
26 Father Devine beckoned and showed me a huge slab of rock .
27 Erm , that concludes the business of the extraordinary general meeting erm , thank you very much for attending and making it a lively meeting and , erm , my colleagues and I will be pleased to , erm meet you in the foyer er , where refreshments are being served .
28 He ripped a couple of ring pulls and offered me a luke-warm Fosters .
29 Meredith told him to stop moaning and ordered him a double portion of cake as a main course .
30 Stefan grunted and gave him a sharp look .
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