Example sentences of "[verb] be given to [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The fundamental rationale underlying the law of confidence is that it can prevent a person divulging information which has been given to him in confidence , on an express or implicit understanding that the information should not be disclosed to others or otherwise used by the recipient of the information .
2 For he is suddenly , miraculously , aware that he has got a wonderful — no ! — a perfect alibi ; an alibi which has been given to him by the very person he has just killed .
3 Has he noticed that much advice has been given to us on how that should be done ?
4 There is nothing more I can do to help them , nor can they collect any low-preference votes that may have been given to them by voters whose higher-preference votes have been given to candidates of other parties .
5 He claimed he had not signed the document properly because , it having been given to him by a ‘ gentleman ’ , he was too nervous to do so .
6 The phenomena it explains are given to us in experience ; they are not produced by us , their causes are not directly knowable , and we can only hypothesize , in the terms of our theoretical framework , about what they are .
7 The board was supposed to have been given to him by his uncle , an Hawaiian prince .
8 From his jacket pocket Robert took out a grubby sheet of paper — the translation of the mysterious manuscript that had been given to him in the pub nearly a year ago today .
9 It was here that items of the Emperor 's clothing and the superb diamond necklace which had been given to him by the Princess Borghese [ his sister , Pauline ] as well as the Landau which had escaped the Moscow disaster in 1813 ( sic ) were taken . ’
10 Tristram 's last letter to Beatrix implied the document had been given to him by a friend .
11 It was delivered very secretly by a student of the Convitto Maria Luigia who travelled on the tram , and it had been given to him by another boy at the same school , a boarder whom I knew well and who lived in Fontenallato .
12 She lost pearls that had been given to her for her 21st birthday .
13 Even so , she had to pretend to like it , particularly because it had been given to her by her father .
14 " It 's just a trick , really , it 's easy , " said Clara , and she took back the egg , and found that she could not put it together again either , so they decided to abandon it , and left it in little pieces in a glass dish on the mantelpiece with some dry and coloured gourds , and then they went downstairs and out into the park , and walked towards the bus stop , and Clara explained , lest the gourds and the egg should be thought to reflect in any way on herself , that they had been given to her by a friend the week before , to celebrate her twenty-second birthday .
15 It had been given to her in case an emergency arose , but it seemed to Mrs Blakey that the atmosphere which had developed in the house could n't be called an emergency .
16 As a way of thanks , we handed Thomas a wee bit of Scotland that had been given to us by Frank Brown , a teacher at Musselburgh Grammar School .
17 We 're particularly proud of him in South Cambridgeshire , as we 're also proud that so many of our environmental health officers like Alan Hobson do sterling work for us , and we are looking to them in the in the future with this semi-autonomy that they 've been given to really take on board the opportunities which have been given to them under the 1990 Act to really go to town on environmental health .
18 If we decide to extend the rents-to-mortgages scheme and to make it nationwide , we shall take steps to ensure that no recalcitrant local authority can deny people rights that have been given to them by the House .
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