Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] that [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thank you chairman , erm , I 've heard what Mr said then I think it is worth reminding ourselves that a significant number of members of this council are new to this council and it 's therefore quite right and proper that in the first year of the business of this council that there should be a significant number of seminars and briefings to enable members to fully acquaint themselves with the business of the council the working of the er , operations of this council so that we can in fact make informed decisions er in the future .
2 She told herself that the best thing she could do would be to go out of the house and climb up to where the buzzards and the ravens nested on the clifftop , but she did n't pay herself much attention .
3 Then I realised that I was actually contemplating accepting the senator 's offer , and I told myself that the last thing I needed this summer was to babysit two spoilt rich-kid junkies .
4 They had found the answer to the American conundrum , and they assured themselves that no other people on earth would have had the qualities necessary to do so .
5 Although the White House had convinced itself that a Labour victory would be perfectly tolerable , the President is undoubtedly pleased that Britain is still being run by a man and a party he knows he can rely on .
6 It is surprising that New Scientist should have convinced itself that the nuclear weapons policy of the SDP is ‘ indistinguishable ’ from that of the government .
7 She had convinced herself that the intense impact which Vitor d'Arcos had once had on her had been a much exaggerated memory , the figment of an overheated imagination .
8 On several previous occasions she had done this , trying to persuade herself that the new Tom , Dick or Harry was quite as desirable and worthy as the missing Harry , Dick or Tom .
9 If , whatever a man 's real intention may be , he so conducts himself that a reasonable man would believe that he was assenting to the terms proposed by the other party , and that other party upon that belief enters into a contract with him , the man thus conducting himself would be equally bound as if he had intended to agree to the other party 's terms .
10 I wandered alone across the muttering stream and satisfied myself that the spongy land was still lined with alders .
11 It took a little bit of deft footwork to satisfy themselves that the first firm would not object to Rank using ‘ Carry On ’ in the title .
12 This system is designed to provide local authorities with opportunities to satisfy themselves that the planned disposal will be satisfactory , but with the delays to industrial operations kept to a reasonable minimum .
13 It also requires auditors to satisfy themselves that the local authority concerned ‘ has made proper arrangements for securing economy , efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources ’ .
14 Ministers may choose to delegate the carrying out of particular tasks to their subordinates , especially their permanent secretaries but , because they are answerable to Parliament , they will need to satisfy themselves that the delegated tasks are being performed satisfactorily .
15 Trying to be positive about her inability so far to have a child , Wendy says she tells herself that the whole experience has made her a stronger person .
16 The individual must be able to convince himself that the next step is up to him and , no matter where he is staying or going , he always has the choice of leaving or turning in the opposite direction if he chooses to do so .
17 The MI5 man seemed to suddenly shake his bulk to wake himself up and remind himself that the chief inspector was still in the car with him .
18 She might be able to convince herself that the momentary flash of madness she 'd experienced , in thinking that she was falling in love with Luke Calder , was merely the result of stress , but it did n't change the fact that she was greatly attracted to him , and that was where the true danger lay .
19 As you embark on the F-Plan you might have to work quite energetically to convince yourself that the supposed virtues of the old low-carbohydrate method of dieting have been disproved by recent research .
20 Satisfy yourself that the potential acquiror 's interest is serious .
21 Men will say ‘ I love you ’ to get women into bed with them ; women will say ‘ I love you ’ to get men into marriage with them ; both will say ‘ I love you ’ to keep fear at bay , to convince themselves of the deed by the word , to assure themselves that the promised condition has arrived , to deceive themselves that it has n't yet gone away .
22 But by looking back at the archaic phase of Greek history and forward to later autocrats , as we have done with the Sicilian tyrants , we can remind ourselves that the democratic interludes of Greek history were not merely short but untypical — in Syracuse , Macedon , Cyrene and satrapal Asia Minor one-man rule was normal for much of the period 479–323 BC .
23 Both summarize complicated interests and classes , and we need constantly to remind ourselves that the overwhelming majority of people of different religions live together in peace .
24 Vologsky had constantly reassured himself that the repeated refusals were simply because his applications happened to be made at an inopportune moment .
25 From that position he could satisfy himself that the pig-swill truck was gone from its usual spot in the rear driveway .
26 McLeish had to remind himself that the dead girl behind them would have felt none of this dank chill .
27 As part of the registration process the Law Society must satisfy itself that the legal profession of which the applicant is a member is one which is so regulated as to make it appropriate : —
28 The police would have to know about this visit , of course ; her conscience persistently reminded her that she should have informed Harris already but she silenced it by telling herself that a few hours would make no difference .
29 When Sir Eric was appointed Rector in 1985 everyone was congratulating themselves that the financial squeeze on the universities , which had lasted 15 years , was now at an end and that stable funding was just around the corner .
30 However , the domestic competition authorities should satisfy themselves that the domestic market is genuinely open .
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