Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] [adv] [prep] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 He gradually built himself up to a third championship in 1984 , when he emerged champion by just half a point from his McLaren team-mate Alain Prost in one of the sport 's closest battles .
2 In September Leslie 's 5th Brigade found itself part of the 4th Indian Division , and it was with this famous fighting force that he was to spend about the next nine months .
3 Mr Hayward said Roberts had tried to kill himself again in the last day or two with a drugs overdose .
4 He usually sleeps for a couple of days and then slowly builds himself up for the next trip .
5 Baronness Warnock ( Ind ) , whose 1986 report forms the basis of the bill , said it would be a paradox if ‘ we democratic and increasingly educated people should … put ourselves back into the 17th century , when the question of whether or not Galileo and indeed Descartes might pursue and publish their scientific findings was regulated not by scientific considerations , but by religious considerations . ’
6 None of this was her affair , she told herself not for the first time .
7 It really would be very much more practical to have her hair cut , she told herself severely for the umpteenth time , but the simple truth was that she liked having her hair long , loved the feeling of the heavy silken strands on her skin .
8 You did the wise thing , calling a halt when you did , she told herself sharply for the umpteenth time .
9 That settled , I booked myself in for the first two weeks of August , five months after my operation .
10 I gather that he 's got himself together over the last 18 months and it has certainly paid off .
11 There were seven of us sharing the place , the Carters ' eldest son and his girlfriend having invited themselves along at the last moment , and their movements were completely unpredictable .
12 He implants ideas , gives clues , prompts proposals , and avoids committing himself publicly until the last moment .
13 Here are a number of mill sites dating to the Domesday era ; the cloth industry firmly settled itself here by the 12–13th centuries .
14 Erm the economic development unit of the borough , Mr Allenby , should know more about it than me , but they have done studies of the firms in Harrogate that can be expected to seek relocation within the borough as they sort themselves out over the next five years , and erm their own calculations for the next five years is more than the county 's whole calculation for the next fifteen years , which suggested to us again that there was a problem about the understanding that the county had on the matter of relocations within Harrogate compared with what was going on locally .
15 Injured Wednesday player-manager Trevor Francis has ruled himself out of the second round second leg leaving his side woefully short of striking cover as they attempt to recover a 3-1 first leg deficit .
16 Aggie pointed to the seat at the front of the cart , and immediately Millie had done so , she gripped the iron frame of the seat , heaved herself on to the first step , then , almost with a lunge , on to the seat ; but this time she did n't say , as she usually did , ‘ I 'm past this ; I 'll sit on the back in future and you 'll take him , ’ but she jerked the reins and put the pony into a trot .
17 Baltic representatives , for instance , associated themselves closely at the 19th Party Conference with the call for ‘ regional khozraschet' or in practice for republican self-sufficiency .
18 An exhausted Anabelle ambled to the gate and squeezed herself under for the last time .
19 We settle ourselves down in a First Class cabin , lay our delicacies out on the table , open some wine and champagne , set the crayfish on to plates that do n't look paper , and eat , drink and devour vast quantities of pâté , hors d'oeuvre and champagne .
20 Canary Wharf , the tallest building in Europe , fails to shape itself adequately at the fiftieth storey and is dull as a consequence .
21 A WEAK US economy reflected itself strongly at the second Museum of Flight Auction at Santa Monica on October 5 & 6 .
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