Example sentences of "[verb] [been] [verb] by [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Each of the proposals is carefully designed to meet a clear deficiency in our present arrangements , that has been acknowledged by many of the organisations that have commented on the Green Paper .
2 The scene of one of Drachenfels ' most infamous atrocities , this chamber has been shunned by most of the few who have penetrated the Castle .
3 This route has been followed by many of our European competitors — notably Germany .
4 ‘ The whole thing had come to a horrible head and a lot of hurt has been suffered by both of them throughout the summer .
5 This level , however , has been achieved by many of the developing countries today and expansion of their secondary and further education sectors will not by itself solve their economic problems .
6 Well , fortunately , new ground has been broken by some of our novelists , ground which can be husbanded by new writers .
7 The Second World War has been seen by some as a kind of watershed , with the post-war period being morally inferior to the ‘ full rich back street life and culture of pre-war England ’ .
8 A kind of ‘ halfway house ’ between the area system and the reference departments/area system has been reached by some of the authorities which do not have a large city collection within their boundaries , but feel that the needs of the ‘ serious ’ reader should nevertheless be given special attention .
9 The existence of a stable political culture in Britain has been ascribed by some to the effectiveness of government .
10 The capitalism of the Chicago meatyards has been replaced by that of the information system ; ‘ … organizations have shed more than one million managers and staff professionals since 1979. … technology will enable senior management to monitor and control large organizations more effectively …
11 They argue that the post-war period is best characterised as one involving policy change and instability , and that , since the crack-up of the consensus in the 1960s , one doctrinaire and mandated government has been replaced by another with scant regard to appeals to the middle ground of public opinion .
12 Admittedly , the politically radical implication of poststructuralist and deconstructive theory is a highly problematic idea , and has been resisted by some on the Left such as Terry Eagleton and Frank Lentricchia , and the contributors to a largely Marxist collection of essays , The Theory of Reading .
13 Induction cooking has been hailed by many as the cooking revolution .
14 So ‘ bureaucratic ’ pluralism has been used by some in recognizing the more important role of Japanese civil servants ; this has been further qualified as ‘ bureaucratic-inclusionary ’ pluralism to suggest that the widest possible range of citizen consultation is used to assess the national interest .
15 This intake of children from ethnic minority groups has been associated by some with difficulties within the school , such as ‘ declining standards ’ and ‘ discipline problems ’ .
16 In recent weeks the force has been accused by some in the Protestant community of being ineffective in the fight against the IRA , and by some Catholics of being less vigorous in tackling loyalist violence .
17 That argument has been put by many of us , and by myself many times , and it has never been answered .
18 Quinn has been interpreted by some as suggesting that his form of incrementalism leads to a steady emergence of change .
19 Relatively little attention has been paid by any of the sources , however , to the early development of the hierarchy , that is , in the period to the death of Suleyman ( 974/1566 ) , a fact which , coupled with the striking , not to say hypnotizing , effect of the later hierarchy , has tended in a variety of ways to mislead writers on subjects connected with the ulema .
20 Certainly , in its execution of the attack the Fifth Army had displayed a cumbersomeness and excess of caution that would never have been countenanced by most of Hitler 's captains .
21 In fact , I may have been lulled by that into an unwise bravado .
22 Those whose gifts and tastes lie in a certain direction — people who do not have a head for mathematics — may well have been influenced by this in an early career choice .
23 The duchess being bride to the heir presumptive , with the princes gone , any issue of hers would have been regarded by many as rightful sovereign of the realm .
24 Wertheimer 's judgment would have been echoed by most of MacDonald 's followers .
25 Ahmed Deedat told thousands of Muslims who filled the Albert Hall in central London that if they had only shown the non-Muslim majority that Mr Rushdie had grievously insulted the Queen , Margaret Thatcher and all white women in The Satanic Verses , then the author would have been condemned by all of society and the book banned .
26 There are no objections to this application , though an alternative to the flat roof would have been preferred by some of the councillors .
27 The price to urban consumers of bearing the losses incurred ( probably of the order of 2 per cent of their bills ) would have been considered by many to be an acceptable concession to the aspirations of country dwellers , and perhaps few would have endorsed the complaint by a contemporary free-market economist that ‘ a slum dweller has to contribute to the cost of providing electricity for a country mansion ’ .
28 What might have been anticipated by some as a passage of tedious monotony was welcomed by Gould as an opportunity lull of excitement and discovery .
29 Presumably its resources were thought to have been supplanted by those of the advertising agency that helped the Conservative Party to power .
30 This school was to have been patronised by some of the first noblemen and gentlemen of the country , and Clark had the fullest assurance that the government would aid and support his venture .
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