Example sentences of "[verb] [been] [verb] [prep] [det] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Our awards are renowned for their transportability across the many countries in which the Board has been recognised for more than a century .
2 The Z88 will send the XON character when the receive buffer has been cleared to less than half full .
3 As King ( 1977 ) shows in his major study of land reform in most parts of the world , altering the patterns of land ownership , inheritance and use has been seen by many as a necessary part of the search for more productive use of land , and hence as a solution to the endemic poverty which characterizes so much of the world :
4 While fashion magazines announce that longer skirts are in style , the princess has again appeared in the multi-coloured striped skirt she has been wearing for more than a year .
5 It has been noted above that while the accepted Turkish tradition has rejected the Muftilik of Molla Yegan and has passed straight from the Muftilik of Molla Fenari to that of Fahreddin Acemi , there is evidence , part of which is the source chiefly used in formulating the Turkish tradition , to show that Molla Yegan did succeed Molla Fenari in his office of Mufti .
6 I suppose I 've seen Matthew with the safe open , and I may have noticed the books , but this firm has been going for more than a century and one does n't take much notice of such things , one has grown up with them . ’
7 Perhaps no one has been persuaded of this except those — a growing number , after all — who find that knowledge in these areas is indispensable for the understanding of The Cantos and of Pound 's later translations , for instance from Sophocles .
8 With profits virtually wiped out , the payout has been slashed by more than half .
9 It has been suggested above that where the true owner of goods can not be involved in the proceedings the common law rule that a mere possessory interest entitles the plaintiff to recover the full value of the goods against a wrongdoer still applies .
10 Mr Boris Yeltsin , the president of Russia , may have won the battle , but he has not yet won the war he has been fighting for more than half a year with the Congress of People 's Deputies .
11 While early agreement in principle on the agency is likely , the actual launching of the agency may run into the same difficulties that have beset the European Environment Agency — this has been stalled for more than a year in an acrimonious ‘ who-gets-what ’ dispute over the sharing-out of the prestige , finance and jobs that flow from ‘ hosting ’ EC institutions .
12 Poor patients/parent compliance has been blamed for less than ideal results in major series on constipation in children .
13 It has been playing for more than a year at the group 's Palace Theatre in Manchester , and the Playhouse has taken more than £1 million in advance bookings for it since the box office opened last week .
14 So a truce was made with the Spartans ( 451 ) which , as Thucydides describes it ( i.112 ) , need not have been motivated by more than Athens ' commonsense desire to deal with her enemies one by one .
15 Joe is keen to emphasise that the upstream sales would not have been concluded for less than full value .
16 Private letters are like a conversation overheard , often more revealing than an autobiography , or than a diary which may have been written with more than half an intention of allowing it to be published .
17 Such schemes almost always represent a very poor true economic return and many would not have been contemplated at all if the substantial grants and HLCAs were unavailable .
18 ‘ We do not believe the public would have been told at all but for us , ’ said a spokesman .
19 Sales by 1948 were almost double those of ten years earlier , though the installed capacity of power stations had been increased by less than half of this .
20 Some of the consequences were outlined in a study released on the eve of the conference by Arthur Andersen Petroleum Services which claimed that 20 per cent of future UK projects had been delayed for more than a year by the cash flow situation and other uncertainties .
21 The units had been used by only half the boards surveyed , area sessions had been attended by less than one-third .
22 And this would reveal that the Covenant 's structure was by nature essentially Western , a product of European parliamentary equality grafted on to a newly independent nation whose very existence had been contested by more than half its population for more than two decades .
23 Smith Opon Acak , all of whom had been detained for more than a year , appeared in court in January 1990 charged with plotting to overthrow the government , having " levied war against the government of Uganda " between Nov. 2 and 18 , 1987 .
24 What had been pigeonholed by many as a niche market , for niche products , seemed to have come of age when Alain Pierrot of Hachette disclosed to the conference the total sales of the Grolier Encyclopaedia on a silvery disk .
25 This routine had been established for more than a year , so it was no surprise when one Sunday evening in early November , he announced at the supper table , ‘ Me and Maisie 's set a date .
26 Some had been waiting for more than an hour , arriving while it was still dark and the little windows of the cells were still lit .
27 The second route was to give the library user direct access to those machine-readable bibliographic records from which card and computer output microform ( COM ) catalogues had been produced for more than a decade through shared centralized cataloguing .
28 It was announced on April 18 that the Federal Collective Presidency had agreed to lift the " special measures " in the autonomous province of Kosovo , a part of the Serbian republic , where disturbances involving the ethnic Albanian majority had been continuing for more than a year .
29 I had been working for more than an hour and my wrists ached from the continuous chopping , but I was filled with an immense exhilaration .
30 Imports of Brazilian mahogany into the UK have been cut to less than half of 1988 levels , as consumer demand shifts away from tropical hardwoods towards temperate timbers such as oak .
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