Example sentences of "[verb] [been] [verb] [prep] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The old detractors may remain unconvinced , but taking ‘ Outernational ’ on its own merits — and leaving the past where it 's best left — this has to be the culmination of what Mackenzie has been striving for through those half-pitched albums of the late '80s .
2 Although the results achieved by the Leeds adjournment system appeared to favour its widespread adoption , this has not happened , although adjournment has been pressed for in some parts of the country — for example , in South Wales — and has been regarded as useful in certain cases by many authorities .
3 Its soothing action has been called upon for many generations .
4 The Law Debenture Trust has been called in as independent pension trustees .
5 The findings from this study are based on responses from 300 people ( 177 women and 123 men ) , 100 of whom have also been interviewed ; this group has been disabled for between 20 and 80 years ( Zarb , 1991b ; Zarb and Oliver , 1991 , 1992 ) .
6 My second point , and it refers to again er something that Barton Willmore referred to and that 's the question er an engine of growth , and it seems to me that that that such a settlement would become an en engine of growth in in the countryside , not least because of of the it would become self fulfilling , er and it would be the obvious sort of sink hole , as Mr Thomas said , for for subsequent land allocations , I think , erm this this point has been touched upon by both the representatives from Leeds City Councils and from Cleveland , Leeds City Council appear not to want it in the Leeds York corridor for just that reason , the representative from Cleveland , who unfortunately is n't here today erm does n't want it in the North of the county for for what I understand to be to be that same reason , erm and the Inspector at the Stone Basset erm enquiry in Oxfordshire , and I I do refer th to this in my evidence , he he drew a very similar conclusion about this when he said , and I quote , once destep once established the new town would generate a momentum of growth that would be difficult to contain , such growth , if allowed , could further harm the rural character of the countryside and the villages in this part of Oxfordshire , I think that conclusion can be applied to North Yorkshire , and I certainly have n't heard anything that would convince me that that such growth once it started could could be controlled , and indeed the the record of controlling growth against erm projected requirements in the structure plan to date has has not been good , witness earlier comments on the structure plan overshoot .
7 And at the same time , since Svidrigailov too has been brushed against in this reaching back which is also a reaching forward , the incident of the governor 's ear can be understood in all its matchless comedy as a desperate man 's recourse against boredom .
8 No information is available as to the extent to which this Model has been relied upon in international negotiations .
9 With increasing confidence of low sutured anastomosis , loop ileostomy has been dispensed with in selected cases ( well nourished patients with no steroid medication and with no technical difficulties in the construction of the anastomosis ) .
10 The usefulness of expressing a nonsinusoidal periodic voltage or current as an equivalent harmonic Fourier series has been alluded to on various occasions in the previous chapters .
11 Although this formulation has been referred to in subsequent cases it has not been adopted as laying down an all embracing test .
12 Finally , public relations has been looked at in some detail , because this area has expanded most over recent years and its relationship to the selling function is a very direct one as the sales force is increasingly being called upon to carry out PR activity .
13 It is this logic of practice which effectively negates most research and is perhaps the main reason that between 1979 and 1988 , only one of the research papers I have compiled has been looked at by senior officers .
14 The law as so stated has , I think , been so understood for most of this century , at least at the level of the Court of Appeal ; but it has been the subject of increasing criticism by academic lawyers , and has been departed from in significant respects in some Commonwealth countries , both by legislation and by judicial development of the law .
15 This has been dealt with in more detail in 4.4 above .
16 Left realism is not intentionally racist , but it has been responded to as such , because of the complex element of police racism .
17 Focusing then on how the new money has been spent , and this is covered in paragraph seven and eight of the report the thirty five thousand pounds conditional resources for Policy Resources Committee has been added to by six thousand seven hundred which er savings from existing budgets within the committee so there 's a total of forty one thousand seven hundred to er each new developments or er or other pressures within the committee and the items that you see before you here have been discussed between the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of this committee er County Planning Officer and Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Policy Resources Committee , so it 's these sorts of discussions that these items have arisen in front of you .
18 It has been added to by sedimentary deposits .
19 It is this critique of alienation which has been seized upon by some as Simmel 's major contribution to modern critical analysis ( e.g. Bottomore and Frisby 1978 : 1–49 ; Frisby 1984 : Schmidt 1975 ) .
20 Regrettably but perhaps inevitably , the ambivalence of feeling and thought which is bound to exist at any time of change has been seized upon by those who can profit from it .
21 At the centre , community care has been talked of for thirty years and in few areas can the gap between political rhetoric and policy on the one hand , or between policy and reality in the field on the other hand , have been so great .
22 No share premium has been accounted for on this issue .
23 At the time of the Arab invasion in 639 the population has been estimated at between 20 and 30 million , but when Napoleon invaded the decaying Ottoman Egypt in 1798 it had been reduced to some two and a half million .
24 Their army has been estimated at between 6000 and 8000 men — a huge number for the time .
25 That 's what they 'd been fighting for for twenty years .
26 I was surprised I 'd been let in at all , surprised that I 'd been able to wander freely about the second and first floors of the cold labyrinthian building of stairwells , escalators and concrete locker-lined corridors .
27 in the end she took the children home with her , erm it was so different from what they 'd been used to in those erm
28 At the end of my foundation year I 'd been voted in as Social Secretary , in charge of putting on all the shows there .
29 He referred to the Man City game which he must have been listening to on Manc Radio .
30 He could have been done in by some thug who was after the money in his pockets .
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