Example sentences of "[verb] [indef pn] to the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Our tiny underground Church was too small , so we invited everyone to the main hall of Munster Road School .
2 If reliability is defined in terms of the production of truth , it adds nothing to the first condition once we restrict our attention to the particular case .
3 These were demanded relentlessly by the Russian government and by traders because of their commercial value , but they contributed nothing to the natural economy of the natives .
4 I mean we used to do the annual report because the R C E had to provide something to the General Manager
5 These workers regarded themselves as temporarily relieving their parents of the burden of supporting them and perhaps contributing something to the overall family budget .
6 The Guild consists of around 140 writers and winning projects have to be environmentally sound as well as contributing something to the local economy .
7 Lastly , everyone I 've spoken to on the subject would shorten the length of the bass by cutting off the V-shaped cleft in the headstock , which adds nought to the decorative aspect of the bass .
8 But there is always room for more and the Managing Director of the Resource Centre , Sr Anna Doherty would like to hear from any individuals , groups , clubs or organisations interested in organising an event or contributing anything to the general fun of the weekend .
9 no longer adds anything to the general prohibition set out in article 52 , since the court has held that , as from the end of the transitional period , article 52 is directly applicable .
10 Much as he mistrusted almost every Irishman with whom he came in contact on the Continent ( Bishop Clement for his disrespect of patristic authority , the priest Sampson for his cavalier attitude to the baptismal rite , Virgil of Salzburg for sowing dissension between himself and the duke of Bavaria as well as for believing that the world was round ) , Boniface 's establishing of monasteries as the learned back-up to missionary work and his devotion to the papacy and to Rome both owed something to the Irish background in England .
11 Its formation may have owed something to the traditional structure of the peasant commune ; its unity and authority were enhanced by the absence of firmly entrenched separate trade unions ; and its electoral procedure was drawn directly from the experience of the Shidlovsky Commission .
12 This means that the facts unc we are assuming are in principle decidable , an so add nothing to the real power of our system .
13 More fashionably , this may be expressed in terms of " capital points " which may facilitate mental calculation of the agreed ratio at any given time but otherwise add nothing to the traditional method .
14 As long as people want to buy cakes which suggest that an old lady wearing a mob-cap is baking them in a Victorian farmhouse , the food firms will continue with dotty deceptions which add nothing to the nutritional value of our food .
15 The question is , does this added complexity and the assumption on which it is based add anything to the overall performance ?
16 Bring everything to the small salon as soon as you have it ready .
17 He developed a distinctive style which owed something to the German illustrator Wilhelm Busch .
18 Each of these three processes has contributed something to the changing broadcasting scene .
19 Leys refers to them both , but only applies one to the Kenyan situation , that of the creation of state posts to absorb the unemployed surplus population formed by changing relations of production .
20 Team-teaching alongside a knowledgeable and enthusiastic colleague can effectively take one to the next stage .
21 The first type was silently saying something to the second type .
22 The absence of reverence for wine is what endears one to the Italian approach .
23 I listened to one choral song from Southwark Cathedral , prayers were said for a family whose names would mean nothing to the vast majority of listeners .
24 This is true but Hong Kong form means nothing to the average punter .
25 The contributions of speaker B cease to be attempts to add anything to the conversational topic .
26 He would place two cigarettes in his mouth , light them both , then hand one to the sex-starved spinster , sometimes even going to the length of installing it between her lips .
27 I must not forget to say something to the whole school about her . ’
28 Gloria did n't pause to say anything to the cheery porter at the gates , nor did he call out to them .
29 This mixture of fish gets on fine in my tank , except when a week after buying them , the Rainbows spawned which caused chaos as they pushed everything to the other end of the tank .
30 Well , to hell with them , but I will say everything to the last word . ’
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