Example sentences of "[verb] [been] hold [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 East Belfast-based midfielder Keery ( 28 ) has been holding out for a better deal than the one on offer .
2 It is the first time since 1987 that the race has been held over onto the standby day .
3 The renewal of the annual licence has been held up by the Department of Technical Services ‘ Electrical Engineer and the Fire Brigade .
4 The first ‘ official ’ race was held in 1972 and it has been held annually on the first or second Wednesday in May ever since .
5 Business has been held back by a combination of recession and tough environmental laws but the drive is on to recover lost sales volume .
6 The upfilling of section sof beach on the south side of the old fly ash block , which was agreed by the Director at the request of ELDC Councillors , has been held back from the Contractor .
7 A wreath of artificial poppies has been held down by a brick .
8 They often came into conflict with the local Transport Committees , formed from the local branches of the main transport unions , who correctly maintained that they alone had the right to issue permits for the movement of essential items which would otherwise have been held up in the dispute .
9 Greeks found these attitudes hard to understand ; accustomed to connect one-man rule with harsh policing , they imagined that the Persian Empire must have been held down by a system of institutionalized controls — garrisons and garrison-commanders — and touring royal armies and officials , King 's Eyes and King 's Ears , and so on ( Xen .
10 And the overall engineering figures seemed to have been held back by a ten per cent drop in the fourth quarter , pulling it down to the overall UK trend for the year of minus five per cent .
11 Seeing Anthea each day would be a constant reminder , and neither woman could deny that the masks of civility each had been holding up to the other for months were now trampled underfoot .
12 But he found that the job that awaited him there was several rungs lower than the job he had been holding down in the UK .
13 They had n't arrived yet , because they had been held up in the traffic , but they would be along in time for an early lunch .
14 The measure had been approved by the lower chamber on Dec. 1 , but had been held up in the upper house where the LDP lacked an overall majority .
15 The price of oil was tumbling again , one of his most reliable brokers on Wall Street had just been arrested for insider dealing , the acquisition of a highly prestigious London hotel had been held up by a query as to who actually owned it and , back home , one of his sisters had just committed suicide , causing a tremor of scandal throughout the country .
16 The adoption of land reform had been held up by the opposition of recalcitrant landlords .
17 It is understood that the deal had been held up by the Bank of England which had been seeking some form of ‘ comfort ’ from Bank of Edinburgh 's largest minority shareholder , Scottish Amicable , with 39.2 per cent , effectively asking it to stand behind depositors and take a more active role .
18 I realized that this was the same place Brian and I had been held in for a week in May 1988 before going to the Pit .
19 He had briefly considered going out fighting anyway , but had been held back by the thought that he should deal with those immediately responsible for his predicament .
20 ‘ We were confident we had the quality to beat our rivals but we had been held back by the exchange rates , ’ said , sales manager plastic compounds .
21 The youth market , which had been held together in a fragile unity , fragmented : on the one hand into Teenybop , on the other into the Underground .
22 The elections had been held early as a result of a crisis which had arisen following a scandal over school catering , leading in July to the resignation of the DC mayor , Pietro Giubilo .
23 The concluding rounds of the peace negotiations , which had been held sporadically over the past 20 months , began under UN auspices in Mexico on Nov. 25 following the declaration of a unilateral FMLN ceasefire on Nov. 16 and recommenced in New York on Dec. 16 ; Pérez de Cuéllar , whose term of office expired only a few minutes after the signature of the agreement , had made the issue of peace in El Salvador a personal crusade .
24 The implementation of an appraisal scheme , and pilot studies to develop the details , have been held up by the drawn out teachers ' dispute .
25 Due to pressure on space in this issue of The Lifeboat reports of several naming and dedication ceremonies have been held over to the Autumn issues .
26 The Scottish women 's teams have been held annually on the last weekend in February since before the war , but some five years ago the male members of the SBU council decided this was unfair and established the national men 's teams held in Perth on Sunday .
27 All this time , the wings have been held together like the leaves of a book .
28 When pursued , they shoot out of the water and spread greatly elongated , broad pectorals which until now have been held close to the body .
29 ‘ And saying , ’ said Wendy , ‘ that he 's been held up at a confinement when he 's forgotten all about somebody . ’
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