Example sentences of "[verb] [Wh det] will [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We want a new union to be formed which will represent the interests of everyone .
2 Despite modern-day technology , no better materials have been developed which will do the job as well .
3 Evidence will be collected which will allow the relationship between landscape and the control of land to be monitored over time , providing the statutory bodies concerned with conservation of the landscape with a better means of influencing change .
4 The Law Society becomes a recognizing authority under the new scheme and so will be able to recognize a solicitor as qualified as an advocate in a particular court or courts , again subject to rules on education , training and conduct which will parallel the arrangements for the Bar .
5 Thus the only relevant facts he does not know are what period the judiciary have recommended as the tariff , and what further comments the judges have made which will affect the Secretary of State 's decision on the tariff .
6 In the coming year , changes are being made which will increase the range of the scheme .
7 A programme of concerted political action is needed which will preserve the world 's genetic resources in a systematic way .
8 He had a shaving kit like that , and he had his old , the old after shave lotion and that , and he will , well , picked us , we just fucking said I , I know what will do the trick a bit of fucking gone
9 Journalists and editors know what will please the proprietor and what will displease .
10 Apart from the above stages and terminology , there are some basic facts to be known which will enhance the user 's understanding of the microcomputer and appreciate not only its uses , but very importantly , its limitations .
11 There will be many more dilemmas about capping which will challenge the custom and practice of local authorities ’ .
12 For linear and branched polymers , liquids can usually be found which will dissolve the polymer completely to form a homogeneous solution , whereas cross-linked networks will only swell when in contact with compatible liquids .
13 As a further measure to prevent the possible contamination of meat destined for human consumption , legislation is being introduced which will ban the practice of splitting cattle skulls to remove head meat in abattoirs .
14 ‘ In order to help achieve that aim , a new business operating structure has been announced which will streamline the operation of each Brunner Mond business .
15 This can be overcome by creating and printing out several files in sequence and a command can be input which will instruct the program to continue pagination over several files .
16 There is a need therefore to allocate resources to products taking account of the constraints that exist which will determine the level of output of each of the firm 's products .
17 GALLON DRUNK have been approached by MORRISSEY to appear as special guests on his August tour which will accompany the release of his new Mick Ronson-produced LP ‘ Your Arsenal ’ .
18 Reasonable women , of course , do not believe that sexual intercourse is a cure for fits or a treatment for breathing which will improve the voice .
19 The opening of Leçon de choses , significantly entitled ‘ Générique ’ , can almost be said to provide a poetics of the autonomous , self-referential text , such is the emphasis upon the creative power of words : a description is composed which will generate the text as a whole and which also acts as a self-reflexive commentary on this process .
20 Ideally , an approach is required which will narrow the focus of the " act of identity " in such a way that individual choices like the one just mentioned can be seen as part of systematic behaviour patterns which are simultaneously typical of speakers ' own fictive speech communities and conditioned by the immediate context of the interaction in which they occur .
21 Whatever business relationship is proposed , a single , detailed , written agreement between the supplier and OUP will be required which will include the items identified in the proposals submitted to OUP , a timetable of events , and commitments from the supplier to perform all the obligations implied from the description of the contribution to be made by the supplier .
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