Example sentences of "[verb] [Wh det] [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes ammonium hydroxide is added which functions as a mild alkali .
2 ( Marr was sporting a huge rockabilly quiff which looked like a French loaf sticking out of the top of his head . )
3 If you look beneath the carriage , you can see that it has what looks like a shortened needle .
4 The fish has what amounts to a tiny voltmeter monitoring the voltage at each " porthole " .
5 The comment was made with the intention of changing the subject and , thanks to the Dane 's interest in his commercial success , her ploy worked , for he nodded and proceeded to recite what sounded like a full two pages from his order book .
6 ‘ You would find enterprise agencies did not know what to do with a disabled person they would refer them elsewhere and lose the problem . ’
7 They do n't know what to do with a real nome .
8 The new trial was reopened before the Juzgado Quinto de Primera Instancia Penal de Sentencia ( Fifth Criminal Sentencing Court of the First Instance ) , and new evidence admitted which led to a guilty verdict .
9 Despite the adoption of a global data-structure , an essentially hierarchical flow of information is imposed which allows for a weak interaction between the knowledge sources .
10 If the policy makers are willing to learn from some of the mistakes made in industry , where hasty changes were made which led to a dramatic brain drain subsequently , the unpalatable adjustments that will need to be made in London should create less harm than will otherwise be the case .
11 The small meadow in which the Brownies met was dotted with clumps of bushes and young trees , and most other parts of Longreen Park were wooded , so it could be understood why a pilot should choose what looked like a clear open green space to land his plane on .
12 I found that moderate slip angles produce no nasty consequences , but was restrained from further experimentation with the admonition that the aircraft describes what sounds like a brisk departure into a fast outside flick roll with the nose going hard down to exceed its negative-g limit .
13 He describes what happens after a typical Russian business deal : ‘ One man goes off to find the goods and the other to find the money .
14 And whether they like it or not , the vast number of coaches and sportsmen who harbour similar ideas on the natural ability of blacks also implicitly , and occasionally explicitly , hold what amounts to a racist explanation of black sporting success .
15 This means that when one is treating a patient with homoeopathy , a substance is used which produces in a healthy person symptoms and signs similar to those presented by that patient .
16 Anyone like us who , after two hand-outs , tries pretending she 's not there is eventually offered what sounds like a horrible curse .
17 First , it forces an end of a tone group on the previous stretch of language , thus presenting what follows as a separate unit of information .
18 Well what do you know the guy that sings What Becomes of a Broken Heart I mean nobody can find him .
19 Since 1979 , the Government has unleashed what amounts to a permanent revolution with one central theme dominating the Prime Minister 's programme ( for a fuller record of Mrs Thatcher 's stewardship , see Peter Jenkins , Mrs Thatcher 's Revolution , Jonathan Cape , London , 1987 ) .
20 To get an idea of some of the many different features that can be produced , consider what happens to a single , large flow as it is traced from its source to its tip .
21 He slid her a coolly measuring look , clearly not accustomed to being told what to do by a mere make-up artist , but to her relief he did as he was bid , lowering himself into the chair and sliding down to tilt his head back into the sink .
22 This leaves the Commission wondering what to do with a million tonnes of prime beef — and it is prime beef , because intervention accepts only the very best steer beef .
23 Over in the corner , by the window , was an elderly man with a white beard , wearing what looked like a cut-down fez .
24 The only sign of life was a man , wearing what looked like a woollen dressing gown with a hood , riding past on a camel .
25 Thus began what developed into a full Department of Ballet at the university , offering , from 1941 , a three-year certificate course for which pupils were required to attend lectures , read widely and study music appreciation as well as their dance classes .
26 It took a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dimness , and he remained still , blinking hard , making out the man standing directly in front of him holding the shotgun , while on the stairs to his left another person — a woman ? — was also holding what looked like a small pistol on him .
27 The hindmost attendant was holding what looked like a large loaf of bread , and was using it to hit the minion in front , which was running almost doubled up , its little gloved hands held over its head , where the pursuing scullion was raining blows with the loaf .
28 He is holding what looks like a square brown leather hat box and a white Chanel carrier bag .
29 When suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven , the noise of which filled the entire house in which they were sitting .
30 He heard what sounded like a stifled cry of pain from a shriller voice ; then the commotion beside him resumed once more .
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