Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] see a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She has not seen a single second of the Costa Del Sol soap since .
2 With winger Don Williams recovered from injury , Havant have the all-round strength to perform with some distinction in an event which has not seen an English winner since Slough in 1980 .
3 On this occasion , in fact , a reply of sorts did occur to me as I stood up there on the ladder ; a reply to the effect that those of our profession , although we did not see a great deal of the country in the sense of touring the countryside and visiting picturesque sites , did actually see more of England than most , placed as we were in houses where the greatest ladies and gentlemen of the land gathered .
4 And never mind if some of them did not see a single golf-ball struck .
5 He said , ‘ We did n't see a great deal of one another , it 's true ; but I was fond of Jay . ’
6 Joe did n't see a great deal of his dad during the year , with his trips abroad and everything , so they used to reserve at least one day when they could do things together . ’
7 We did n't see a single soldier or vehicle and assumed that the US army was blocking off La Boca from the Panama Defence Force , whose local headquarters is only about 300 yards from our house .
8 ‘ I do n't see a serious challenge to London as a financial centre as things stand currently , ’ Hugh Smith intones calmly .
9 Erm we do n't see a great deal of difference that they 've had the same problem as we 've had , in that we ran out of time before we could put the er finished act together properly .
10 Well there 's Diane the hairdresser 's wife whom I do n't see a great deal of but she lives near .
11 And I I do n't see a limited widening of Church Lane to any access into either of these two sites , were that to be required by the Highway Authority , a as having any significant impact on the character of the village .
12 ‘ When I look I do n't see a Kurdish state , ’ said Turkey 's ambassador to Iraq , ‘ just 400,000 miserable people . ’
13 On the continuity point their argument is that under the system of election by thirds , you do n't see a dramatic switch in the party control of the council .
14 If I do n't see a marked improvement by the end of the week , I am going to take my money out ! ’
15 Irvine , California-based Western Digital Corp warns that earnings per share for the third quarter to March 27 will be ‘ significantly below ’ consensus analysts ' expectations which have been in a range of $0.20 to $0.26 a share , as a direct result of severe price declines in the 3.5″ hard disk drive business : the company says it does not see a significant decline in unit demand and that demand from its key OEM customers is getting stronger and says it is comfortable with revised analyst estimates , in the $0.05 to $0.10 per share range ; ‘ To the best of our ability we will not participate ’ in the price wars , it said .
16 With the authorities responding by building more prisons and the police referring to gang members as urban terrorists , Bell does not see an early end to the war .
17 ‘ I 've not seen a worse sea this year .
18 I 've not seen a double yoke egg for a long , long time , I do n't know why , but sometimes you used to get a box of six and nearly all of them would be double yoke for some reason , do n't ask me why , I do n't know , where 's your cup ? , did you bring it in ?
19 As yet I have not seen a golden eagle on any of my trips to Argyll , but if I do I would appreciate any tips you could give me for photographing them .
20 Unlike the 1920s and 1930s , the current socio-economic problems , acute though they are , have not seen a marked upswing in the political fortunes of the extreme Right .
21 A spokeswoman for Cleveland Police admitted there was a problem with young men in Middlesbrough carrying knives , but added : ‘ We have not seen a particular increase in the recent past . ’
22 ‘ Er … you have n't seen a blue Honda … er , that was on this corner earlier , have you officer ? ’ we asked levelly .
23 have n't seen a great deal of him recently .
24 I have n't seen a perfect day like that over in Blackpool yet .
25 And although sales of the machines may be flat , ‘ at least we have n't seen a major fall like IBM ’ .
26 Have n't seen a one-man band since way back .
27 I have n't seen a single poster for this bloody show .
28 ‘ I have n't seen a single book in the house , not one . ’
29 We have n't seen a lovelier setting for golf and it is , by general acclaim , perhaps the best conditioned course in either county .
30 I mean we have n't seen an awful lot of er Julian Jochim yet but th the two occasions when the ball 's been fed into him he 's shown a brilliant ability to turn with the ball and get at the defenders .
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