Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is a wild and mischievous allegation , for which the hon. Lady has not a shadow of evidence .
2 Someone who has not the concept of age can not be expected to see someone as young or old .
3 and they absconded it , and the dog has n't a hope in hell and also the ones you get for the kids , when you sit in them they sit up like little chairs do n't they ?
4 What did the word ‘ delicious ’ mean to someone who cared not a fig about cuisine ?
5 ii , ‘ o'erstep not the modesty of nature ’ , CS 20 .
6 Secondly , all these comments stress not a disavowal of communism , but rather a heightening of metaphysical angst once the reality of Soviet society was disclosed .
7 Heard not a word from SW about the trees left on her doorstep brought up from Jean in September .
8 Six out of 10 voters are still not buying and three weeks of slogging seem to have made not a jot of difference .
9 Does he realise that the islanders have run the ferry for many years and that until this year they received not a penny of subsidy , unlike the Scottish ferries ?
10 The fact is that urban Britain faced not a period of standstill but of dramatic growth and reordering .
11 With a faint smile that showed not a hint of regret , he brushed his mouth against hers .
12 ‘ This part of the country ’ , wrote Eliza , ‘ resembles for miles a succession of parks thickly dotted with tall slender trees of the Eucalypti kind and the ground covered with luxuriant verdure where during the past season not a blade of grass was to be seen the bones of many bullocks which died on their way from the upper Hunter to Maitland rill still remain by the roadside a momento [ sic ] of the excessive drought . ’
13 When Tormey cites the art of acting as an example of representational behaviour , he was really talking about the style of acting first attributed to the famous English eighteenth-century actor David Garrick , acting which demanded not the expression of emotion but an accomplished technique by which ‘ natural ’ expressions of real life became distilled on stage by artifice .
14 Clearly the key to economic success is to control not the supply of money , but the supply of central bankers .
15 His report offered not a vestige of comfort .
16 The open fields hemmed in the town along its entire northern side , while on the southern side Burghley Park and the farmlands of the Cecils offered not an acre for expansion .
17 If some of us despair at the seeming lack of real competition to them in Scotland , Hateley 's reaction permits not a whit of concern .
18 The generic label ‘ poststructuralist ’ is here useful merely as a shorthand to designate those contemporary writers who share not a hostility to history as such but a distrust of simple historicisms .
19 In view of that , did not the Secretary of State pause to conclude that whatever NATO may require , there is no requirement for the United Kingdom to have its own tactical air-to-surface missile ?
20 He said that even if the Budget measures did help 100,000 unemployed people , as the Chancellor forecast , it meant that ‘ out of every 30 people out of work , 29 will get not a shred of help at all from the Budget ’ .
21 Assure you , my good liege , I hold my duty as I hold my soul , Both to my God and to my gracious King ; And I do think , or else this brain of mine Hunts not the trail of policy so sure As it hath used to do , that I have found The very cause of Hamlet 's lunacy …
22 He looked covertly at the members to his left and right : they gave not a flicker of recognition .
23 Do not the Secretary of State 's earlier answers make it clear that his vision of Britain in the future is a low-wage economy with the worst employment conditions in Europe ?
24 Recruited from the lower-middle or working class , the representative benefactor lived in a small house in a town or city , had no children or had children who were grown up , spoke not a word of German , knew nothing of Germany beyond the front-page news of the Express or Mirror , and did not begin to understand the trauma of being a young refugee .
25 When I went to Germany within a few days of the end of the war , it was rather remarkable to go to a Luftwaffe air field with many aircraft , all intact and fully serviceable , but with their tanks — dry not a drop of oil was to be found on those bases .
26 Again , the editors did n't the Son of Righteousness .
27 Alright , no , we 've got er , I do n't a bit down game , that 's wrong , you know your territory , do you just have one territory , Jack ?
28 This seemed unnecessary , for Miss Logan had not a word of Turk or Russo or Kurdish or whatever mixture it was the other two communicated in ; but she did as she was told .
29 If she did , he did n't know what he would do ; he had not a shred of evidence .
30 Conservatives taunted them that they might find themselves , fugitives in Africa , ‘ drawing from under their arm a very fine plan of a constitution while they had not a foot of land to stand upon ’ , after having opened the doors to ‘ the revolutionary spirit which had destroyed France ’ .
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