Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It was not everyone who would have relished going off into the dark forest ; Lugh did not relish it at all , in fact .
2 He was wearing his best suit , which did not fit him at all .
3 But I was surprised to find that Bessie did not scold me at all .
4 When they participated in the market economy , they were usually confined to menial positions , many of which did not bring them into much contact with men .
5 ‘ I did not bring it for that purpose , ’ said Andrus hoarsely .
6 I did not mean it at all , I thought it was vaguely amusing .
7 No — ’ he quickly laid his hand on Owen 's arm in the Arab way — ‘ I did not mean it like that .
8 Mr. J. praised the nurses who had looked after his mother , and did not blame them in any way for her death .
9 Surely he did not blame her for this ?
10 ‘ And , ’ she went on , ‘ I was compelled to end my engagement to Havvie when I discovered that he did not love me at all … merely wanted Papa 's dollars , and , worse , despised us , all of us , for being rich and vulgar Yankees .
11 She sent for her confessor because she was in mortal sin ; she had withheld from him in confession a sin of which she was ashamed , but because he spoke sharply to her , she did not confess it at all this time either .
12 The symbolism of this did not strike her at all , as she went back and forth , showering and dressing and rehearsing all the reasons why he was to go .
13 Faith did not tell me about this , you know , she would have realised how angry I should be .
14 the Racing Post did not mention him at all in its main preview of the race ; and the official Cheltenham racecard form guide nominated him ‘ more of a candidate for last place than first ’ .
15 Because she had never known her parents well , she did not miss them at all .
16 Indeed , she did not accompany them on this stroll along the Western Esplanade to the Dumpton Gap even in their thoughts .
17 The male did not bother her at all after spawning , so I was able to leave her in the Mbuna colony until she was ‘ near term ’ — and all the fry were this time normal — all 120+ of them .
18 In spate it was a terrifying torrent which uprooted whole trees and smashed them to driftwood ; in drought it was an evil-tempered stream which grudged them water and tugged the pots from her hands if she did not hold them with all her strength .
19 He added : ‘ I was in a place once when a man fired a gun at me and I did not like it at all .
20 This man would blow up a city without five seconds ' compunction — and she did not criticise him for that — but he would insist on good whisky , eat in good restaurants , like to travel first-class .
21 Now Breeze produced some crackers , which they pulled with much laughter — and when a pink ‘ Glengarry ’ fell to the old man 's share , he did not spurn it after all , but actually put it on !
22 Alured 's son John became a colonel in Ireland but did not survive him by many years .
23 Some princes did not employ them at all until the second half of the century .
24 Sometimes this was easier and cheaper , especially as increasing population could outpace workhouse provision ; sometimes it was because the parish officers discriminated in their application of the " test " and did not apply it to all kinds of claimant .
25 Whereas Charles Dance did not resemble him in any way .
26 The former qualities did not endear him to those in the Council who wanted change , and a replacement of the tramways by buses .
27 We did not discuss it at all .
28 For some reason this did not surprise him at all .
29 It did not surprise him at all that the Chairman 's answer should come , hand-delivered , to his villa at four o'clock in the morning , and that the rendezvous would be away from Baghdad .
30 He did not see her at all as he got out of the car and Jenna had the chance to observe him without the dark eyes pinning her quizzically .
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