Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And it was as she hesitated , thinking of Liam , touched as so often , and usually at the wrong moment , by the silence and sadness of him which so troubled her , wondering if a sugar stick would lighten it , that she felt herself suddenly surrounded not by the usual ebb and flow of the market day crowd but by something much more purposeful .
2 The root of economic oppression , in the libertarian view , lies not in a given level of the productive forces , but in the ‘ relations of production ’ , in the way in which individuals and groups relate to one another in the process of producing wealth .
3 The main conclusion which this section and the preceding one allow is that the true importance of intention in trusts lies not in the internal interpretation of the meaning or the details of a bequest , but in construction , in the ability to construe a trust on the basis of the testator 's intention , and to use facts rather than words to do so .
4 The structural problem lies not in the overall placing , which is finely judged , but in an occasional lapse into spasmodic ( Latin American ? ) rubato .
5 DNA recognition specificity lies not in the entire variable region but only in domains within the region [ 13 ] .
6 Is he aware that many of us are concerned because the next generation of inward investment will be attracted not by a low-wage economy or a low-wage work force , but by the best trained and educated work force in Europe ?
7 This opened up the prospect of democracy being installed not by a bourgeois government but by ‘ a revolutionary democratic dictatorship of the proletariat and peasantry ’ .
8 So it was that the most innovative proposal in the Criminal Justice Bill presented to Parliament on 10 November 1971 stemmed not from the Tory manifesto , nor from Crime Has No Boundaries , but from an official committee chaired by a Labour life-peer .
9 The improvements have come not in a dramatic way but week by week over a number of months .
10 The poet tells us that ‘ This race it looks not like an earthly race ’ , but it is not made clear what kind of chase we are witnessing .
11 The announcement was made at a rally in Manila to celebrate the 92nd anniversary of the Philippines ' independence from Spain , during which Aquino emphasized that the new organization was designed not as a political party but as a vehicle for " all citizens who want to help the Philippine nation " .
12 Bachelard 's work on the formation of scientific disciplines led him to argue that the proper form of historical analysis should focus not upon an empirical history but upon the cognitive or epistemological status of concepts that distinguish a new science from an old one .
13 In what follows the exposition will focus not upon the general nature of rational expectations equilibria , but on the relation between the criteria for rationality on the one hand and the debate on the unemployment-inflation trade off on the other , with the ultimate aim of arriving at the policy inefficacy proposition .
14 Second , there was feeling , the word used not in the conventional sense , but to describe a much less consciously formulated process of appreciation and subjective valuation .
15 Megill writes not as a literary critic but as a philosophically trained historian of ideas .
16 It became evident in the course of analysing the submissions that a majority of those responding to the question objected not to the underlying principle but to the proposed time scale of 2–3 days .
17 My letters were now addressed not from the Middle East Forces , but from the British North African Forces and , moreover , headed 137/166 Newfoundland Regiment , R.A. This quite confused me for I had never heard of Canadians in North Africa — even though I knew that Newfoundland was not really Canada .
18 No water flows from the sprinklers here , and clearly has n't for a long time .
19 But this is the room eventually we 're going to use I mean not for a long time yet , as a working medieval kitchen .
20 To say ‘ the Word was made flesh ’ , then , refers not to a simple identity of God and Jesus but to a relationship in which God lovingly identifies himself in and with a real human person , 80 that that person can truly be called the Word , the self-communication and self-objectification of God in human terms … .
21 This term refers not to a single theory but rather to a set of assumptions underlying a particular approach to the study of perception and cognition .
22 In practice women and men are involved in different ways in giving and receiving support , but much of this is explained not by a cultural definition of what counts as women 's business or men 's business , but by three other factors .
23 The conception of language that Saussure developed is that of a social phenomenon , realized not in the individual act of speaking , but ‘ only by virtue of a sort of contract signed by the members of a community ’ ( Saussure 1974 : 14 ) .
24 He shows that the labour supply response has no effect on the steady-state wage and interest rate ( with constant returns these depend not on the absolute size of the labour force but only on its rate of growth ) .
25 The second type of breakage occurs not at the top tie but near ground level , when the extra leverage imparted by wind on the long stem reveals the weak spot in a stake that has been allowed to rot and deteriorate .
26 He was looking not for a new policy for Britain , but for a political protege for himself , someone who would be more gracious and romantic than Chamberlain .
27 By the time Khrushchev sat down , Stalin stood revealed not as the dear father but as the mass murderer of his people .
28 In such situations — where the best X per cent of students are to get the As , the next best nX per cent the Bs , and so on — the grade awarded to a student depends not on the absolute level of performance he or she attains but on how he or she performs relative to other students .
29 What was overlooked in our discussion of stylistic competence is that our intuitive " placing " of a text depends not on an undifferentiated capacity to compare a text with the norm of the language , but rather on a responsiveness to a set of norms : a norm for spoken conversation , a norm for news reporting , a norm for writing diaries , a norm for historical novels , etc .
30 ‘ This is to ignore the fact that in the administration of justice in this country , the authority of any judicial pronouncement depends not upon the personal authority of the judge concerned , but upon the capacity in which he gives a decision or expresses an opinion .
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