Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] [verb] its [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 It signed a standstill agreement under which it promised not to increase its holding for three years .
2 If the skunk has not squirted its glands for some time , then it is primed for about six powerful shots at the enemy , but it is unlikely to use all its ammunition at once because it will take about a week for replenishment and the animal can not afford to risk being cornered empty-glanded by a second predator .
3 At present , only France has not given its go-ahead for ERS-2 funding .
4 The company , which recently sold its stake in the Sheraton Edinburgh ( see page 26 ) , has not restricted its funds for leisure investment , according to Martin Woods , an accounting adviser working with Mr Lowe .
5 Even when , as we show later , Brazil had an opportunity to do so when it invited the multinationals to establish its automobile industry , it chose not to exercise its power for fear of discouraging potential entrants .
6 Media Vision Technology Inc , making multimedia products in Fremont , California got its initial public offering of 1.75m shares , 1m of them new , away at $26.25 a share ; it did not give its plans for the $25m or so net proceeds .
7 Despite interim turnover growth of 17.6% at ICL Technology GmbH , the German company did not hit its target for the full year due to poor trading conditions — growth was approximately 10% .
8 ( We do not specify its value for other values of b . )
9 Coronation Street began in 1960 but , as any fule kno , it did n't catch its stride for a good ten years .
10 S -adenosylhomocysteine , a SAM analogue lacking the S -methyl group , and with a neutral rather than positively charged sulphur atom , binds to the repressor but does not affect its affinity for the operator ( T. McNally , personal communication ) .
11 Although Goldmann accepts the significance of the social determination of knowledge thesis for epistemology he does not pursue its implications for the Marxist concept of ideology .
12 One of the characteristics of judicial review is that the supervising court does not substitute its decision for that of the public authority ; rather it leaves it to the body to make good its illegal behaviour by making a fresh decision which complies with the requirements of the law .
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