Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] [verb] us [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ West Brom will be less apprehensive about the replay , but playing away from home has not presented us with any major phobia .
2 Many of the topics they raise during this election campaign do not interest us at all .
3 ‘ Chrissie did n't tell us about that , ’ said Hatch quietly .
4 Did n't tell us about that one did you ?
5 Asked whether his made things a little awkward between the actresses , Leigh was dismissive : ‘ It did n't affect us at all .
6 We were of course much hampered by the lack of weather reports to the west of us , as most of our weather comes from the west and Eire , being neutral in the war , did n't supply us with any reports .
7 I did n't get us into this mess — ’ She broke off with a guilty look over her shoulder .
8 You did you did n't like us at all .
9 So again we 're going to come back to several themes in a fairly repetitive way , and we — do n't forgive us for this if you do n't like it , but we 're certainly going to talk about certain things again and again and again , but what it really comes down to , is ‘ Learn what the media 's all about , learn what they want , learn what you can provide , see whether you can match this , in a sense , and see whether you can make it work to your advantage ’ .
10 An ‘ only ’ dream has little effect on us ; we may remember it in the morning because it was funny or for some other reason , but it does not disturb us in any way ; most often , we recollect it only in the moments after waking and have forgotten it by the time we get out of bed .
11 With long-term injury victims Graham Hill and Ian Brady only recently back in full training , and not ready for a competitive return , Carroll admits : ‘ The situation does not leave us with many options . ’
12 He does not misuse freedom , and he does not expect us to either .
13 Thus even if we accept that the duty of directors to act in the best interests of shareholders can be equated with a duty to maximize profits this does not provide us with any real assurance that the wishes of the shareholders are being executed by the directors or that we have a satisfactory way of controlling the discretion accorded to directors in the name of the Rule of Law .
14 Whether such clear-sightedness is dismissed as the naivete of youth , or extolled as exemplary moral integrity untainted by the compromises of old age , does not concern us at this stage .
15 For a period in the 1950s and 60s , North American geology was indexed in a separate publication by the United States Geological Survey as Bibliography of North American Geology ( BNAG ) , which does not concern us in this particular study , with the AGI 's publication changing title to Bibliography and Index of Geology , excluding North America ( BIGENA ) .
16 For a period in the 1950s and 60s , North American geology was indexed in a separate publication by the United States Geological Survey as Bibliography of North American Geology ( BNAG ) , which does not concern us in this particular study , with the AGI 's publication changing title to Bibliography and Index of Geology , excluding North America ( BIGENA ) .
17 No , I mean actually come to one of the officers and sit there and they do the work , so it does n't bother us at all .
18 That does n't suit us at all .
19 That does n't suit us at all .
20 Your investigations , Mister Cowley , have not led us to any further evidence to confirm or clarify the intentions of these men ? ,
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