Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 It signed a standstill agreement under which it promised not to increase its holding for three years .
2 The job has not soured his taste for milk , as he often drinks two pints a day and he still enjoys doing his round , which takes in some of Ulster 's most spectacular scenery around the Mourne Mountains .
3 Celtic should be encouraged by the form of Paul McStay , who orchestrated their dominance in this match and clearly has not lost his zest for the game after a long winter injury .
4 Galbraith , as always , writes in pellucid prose , and has not lost his talent for demonstrating that our rulers have few clothes when it comes to justification of their economic policies .
5 At present , only France has not given its go-ahead for ERS-2 funding .
6 But even this has not stopped my love for canoeing as I have been out many times since and this summer , when I was at camp , I was going down a weir , when I got caught in a stopper at the bottom and nearly drowned myself again .
7 ( The PLAYER has not moved his position for his last four lines .
8 ‘ My respectful study of other religions has not abated my reverence for or my faith in the Hindu scriptures .
9 I 'M A WOMAN IN MY THIRTIES but age has n't blunted my passion for all things : books , cinema , wine , travel , conversation and good living .
10 ‘ Victoria has n't seen her father for months .
11 " Dr McNab still has n't granted my request for evidence that cholera is spread by drinking water .
12 Cos Clive has n't paid his tax for three years , and the tax man caught up with him .
13 As breeder and exhibitor of budgerigars for the past 12 years he finds the joke wearing thin , but it has n't dampened his enthusiasm for his hobby .
14 In a statement on Austrian television he said : " After weighing the interests of our republic , the experiences of the past years , and also my personal plans for the future , I have decided not to offer my candidacy for re-election . "
15 Sotheby 's fear must be that potential purchasers will turn to Christie 's at the lower price level should their competitors decide not to raise their rate for the time being .
16 Even when , as we show later , Brazil had an opportunity to do so when it invited the multinationals to establish its automobile industry , it chose not to exercise its power for fear of discouraging potential entrants .
17 He would often go down to the Hare and Hounds at the west end of Hury — it 's gone now of course — but he was a grand man and his scarum ways did not alter my affection for him one bit .
18 But , after fifteen years alone on the island , I was afraid , and I did not leave my cave for three days .
19 Even as heir-apparent , he had been in correspondence with Louis XVI of France concerning his plans for reorganising the army , and the overthrow of the French monarchy in the year of his accession , 1789 , did not diminish his enthusiasm for learning from the west .
20 Innocent 's letters of the summer and autumn 1200 ( to all the princes of Germany , to Philip Augustus , to King John and to the duke of Brabant and his wife ) did not hide his preference for Otto .
21 Fernandes , the party 's former shadow Foreign Minister , was quoted as saying that if Savimbi did not accept their call for reforms at the party conference to be held on June 30 , their tendency would split from UNITA .
22 It did not replace my fascination for mammals , birds and reptiles .
23 This tragedy , however , did not dull their passion for skiing and Sarah remembers the early rivalry for supremacy on the slopes .
24 He took his seat in the House in February 1833 , but did not enjoy his position for long as , in the following month , he caught a chill and died in London 28 March 1833 .
25 Despite interim turnover growth of 17.6% at ICL Technology GmbH , the German company did not hit its target for the full year due to poor trading conditions — growth was approximately 10% .
26 They did not share her enthusiasm for peace and space and wide skies .
27 He did not share my passion for Frank O'Hara , Robert Duncan , Denise Levertov ( whom I had met in London and Paris ) , James Merrill and the early Pound ; nor did I agree with his high estimate of Robert Lowell , Howard Nemerov and T.S .
28 His successors did not share his passion for maritime affairs ; and in the 1730s and 1740s the fleet he had created was allowed to decline sharply in numbers and efficiency .
29 ( We do not specify its value for other values of b . )
30 She looked Flavia full in the face , ‘ I do not mean your feeling for me , though you have hardly talked about that either .
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