Example sentences of "[verb] [not/n't] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 If the skunk has not squirted its glands for some time , then it is primed for about six powerful shots at the enemy , but it is unlikely to use all its ammunition at once because it will take about a week for replenishment and the animal can not afford to risk being cornered empty-glanded by a second predator .
2 She has not seen her children for two years .
3 The company , which recently sold its stake in the Sheraton Edinburgh ( see page 26 ) , has not restricted its funds for leisure investment , according to Martin Woods , an accounting adviser working with Mr Lowe .
4 Right , well we have two hundred and sixty five pounds and sixty eight pence in the bank at the moment , erm which actually is n't very much if you think that we 've got to go right through to July to our next fund raising event , so , I was wondering that , if anyone has n't paid their subscriptions for last year or if anyone owes for Christmas cards , I think there 's one or two
5 Other companies still in dispute with Disney have agreed not to press their claims for the time being and will call off plans for a demonstration at Sunday 's opening ceremony .
6 Media Vision Technology Inc , making multimedia products in Fremont , California got its initial public offering of 1.75m shares , 1m of them new , away at $26.25 a share ; it did not give its plans for the $25m or so net proceeds .
7 He did not assert his claims for the structure and rites and liturgy of the Church of England as highly as did the divines of the next century .
8 They do not understand their reasons for living this way .
9 In addition the received legal model of the company gives powers to the shareholders to ensure that the directors once in office do not use their powers for their own self-interest .
10 What these legislative reforms seem to be suggesting is that all is basically well with the traditional model where the directors of the company manage the company but are supervised in that task by the shareholders who , if given the requisite powers , can be relied upon to ensure that directors do not use their powers for their own purposes .
11 His general point may survive even if we do not share his preferences for physics , or even science .
12 The next time he awoke , they blistered the back of his hands with cigarette burns , but this time , mercifully , he had passed out within ten minutes and did n't regain his senses for nearly two hours .
13 We did n't discuss his plans for the day , only mine , and those I presume are hardly of interest to you . ’
14 Murder brought Raskolnikov to see that he did n't believe his reasons for committing it .
15 ‘ I do n't choose my friends for the size of their wallets , you know . ’
16 I do n't blame my parents for the way I turned out , I 'm the one responsible .
17 ‘ We d'Urbervilles do n't sell our horses for cat 's meat ! ’ he insisted .
18 Most of the company wives do n't see their husbands for about sixty five per cent of the year , which is actually a very long time when you 're living in these sort of conditions .
19 I had not recognized my feelings for one of the women in the women 's group as being of any significance .
20 The Court ruled that the French government had not examined his requests for compensation " within a reasonable space of time " .
21 Watkins LJ gave the principal judgment in the Divisional Court and upheld the application on the ground that the Minister had not given his reasons for the decision not to make a reference and that this was ‘ irrational ’ .
22 Although Goldmann accepts the significance of the social determination of knowledge thesis for epistemology he does not pursue its implications for the Marxist concept of ideology .
23 Farmers have promised more mayhem if their government does not resist US demands for cuts — and they are backed by public opinion .
24 Cos she had n't washed her feet for going back to bed .
25 Why had n't somebody checked that they had n't left their spears for all and sundry to trip over ?
26 Miners may strike in support of nurses , but that does n't make them fighters for the equality of women or for women as women .
27 Many councils have employed too many staff over the years , have been too inefficient , and have not maintained their homes for the elderly and residential care homes as well as they should have done .
28 HARD-UP Brighton have not paid their players for six weeks and backroom staff have not had wages for two months .
29 There are still some teachers who have not paid their fees for training days for 1980 .
30 I have n't cleaned my teeth for a week . ’
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