Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] into the [noun sg] where " in BNC.

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1 The little larvae soon emerge — they know which way to go ! — and bore down into the stem where they pupate and eventually emerge as adults .
2 The small village was completely silent as the Marines who had landed at the small fishing jetty moved up into the plateau where the houses were built .
3 Approaching Keld I dropped down into the dale where Great Sleddale Beck falls over a succession of stairs , hard bands of limestone that have resisted the action of the water to form an impressive series of falls all of which are within a mile or so of Keld village .
4 She came through into the sitting-room where I was nursing a martini .
5 It was not until they came out into the clearing where the lame horse was dismally hobbling amongst the forest grasses that he became aware of what had happened .
6 Gobbets of soil shook down into the cavity where she hid her face .
7 Two of the protesters climbed up into the roof where , from the girders high overhead , they scattered anti-Fascist leaflets upon the audience .
8 So it 's very easy for bacteria , which are always present around the anus , to reach the usually bacteria-free urethra and travel up into the bladder where they multiply and irritate the bladder lining .
9 Her face tilts to look up into the sky where there ought to be stars .
10 Bull O'Malley closed the door and walked back into the kitchen where Peg still sat on the chair , holding the basket on her lap .
11 The sounds of what was going on in the box were being relayed out into the laboratory where Gedanken was , but nothing happening in the laboratory was getting through to the beetles in the box .
12 Well , we just got out into the hallway where all these mothers were standing round and
13 I went on into the room where a middle-aged Moroccan woman lay sprawled on his bed , open-legged and completely naked .
14 We went down into the crypt where the wooden hand of Capitaine Danjou lay in a glass case .
15 Sarella looked down into the courtyard where Peter was busily taking off his skis .
16 She snatched Buster from his play and we went back into the house where she held him close to her face , laughing as the big cat purred and arched himself ecstatically against her cheek .
17 We dress up like bit-part players in an epic on Scott and go out into the night where the air bites clean and deep , and the snow crunches in that beautiful cold way .
18 The strange thing was that it did not occur to her then to follow the Way Out signs , leave the station and go out into the street where a taxi could be found .
19 That 's right yeah , aye if you go back into the system where they had at Blackpool where er Reginald Dixon used to play
20 Forester had moved to the window and looked out into the yard where the two long-wheelbase Land Rovers stood side by side , somehow managing to be tough and elegant at the same time in their rough-country rig with full-length roof racks and mounted searchlights .
21 The Marshal had wandered through into the dining-room where lined foolscap and a box of pens and pencils lying between a pair of silver candlesticks suggested that the oak table was used for homework rather than for dining .
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