Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] at [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In other words you can have what goes on in the brain at the hardware level does or at the level of nuance does n't necessarily have to correlate with what goes on at a high level description .
2 Later on in the profession itself the process goes on at a different level .
3 No , you can not prevent it from happening — but scientists are a bit nearer to understanding what goes on at the molecular level .
4 They rode on at an easy trot , eating up the ground , until finally Murtach said in disgust : ‘ Bragad 's lady — out for a ride , it seems , with five of her husband 's escort for company . ’
5 It should have calmed her , gazing down at the burbling river , should have helped her to think about the problem uppermost in her mind ; but it was impossible to concentrate , knowing that he was close by .
6 He paused only the once , gazing down at the burnt meat that had been his friend and comrade for so long .
7 The bridal couple got down at a tiny village of low mud houses .
8 In the classical theory of general relativity one can not predict how the universe would have begun because all the known laws of science would have broken down at the big bang singularity .
9 So I got on the Greyhound Bus for a six-hour ride to Washington and checked in at a cheap hotel opposite the bus depot .
10 Eddie was staring at her with eyes as hard as granite but all she said was , ‘ You 'll have to go in at the front door .
11 No need for us all to go in at the deep end . ’
12 They gazed down at the innocent football being kicked back and forth against the wall outside , the thwack of the ball booming in the street amongst the traffic noise .
13 The oriental gazed down at the broken body of his defeated enemy .
14 In an uncomfortable silence Nathaniel Sherman and the others gazed down at the dead buffalo cow .
15 The Sphinx of Giza gazed down at the red velvet couch .
16 I gazed down at the reclining form .
17 ‘ The ambition is certainly not to go along at the existing size , growing by 5 per cent a year .
18 They reached Airman 's Grave and paused together beside its perimeter wall , gazing in at the poignant tribute to one victim of a long-ago conflict , though not as long-ago , it occurred to Derek , as the conflict which had recently extended its crabbed old hand to touch their lives .
19 ‘ Less aggro signing on at the Social Security . ’
20 That was the trouble with harbour-watching , there were so many inexplicable activities carried on at a stately pace and with the deliberation of a choreographed performance .
21 The system of planning controls imposes limits on their freedom to locate operations where they will or to increase the scale , or change the nature , of the activities carried on at a particular site .
22 That tradition lives on at the Banzai Pipeline , not so much the Wembley Stadium of surfing as its Coliseum .
23 Witcher gaped down at the smoking hob in his chest .
24 She peered down at the dark water in the basin below .
25 ‘ Mummy will be cross , ’ she murmured , wrinkling her nose as she peered down at the long tear .
26 Then she paused and peered down at the writhing thread .
27 ‘ They 're going to come in at the far end . ’
28 Let's jump in at the deep end — literally .
29 The controls were voted in at the annual meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources ( CCMLR ) .
30 ‘ Mind you , they never actually say when , and you did rather get dropped in at the deep end .
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