Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] at [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 If they are to be more than mere training , then a process of informed reflection has to go on at the same time .
2 Dealers were expected to get these cards filled in at the same time as fulfilling their quotas of business , but nobody had time .
3 Those who must let them enter do not like the work , for they fear what sidles in at the same time — the jealousies , the old rows and the suspicion of old fraud .
4 Miguel must have rung the policía , because their car drew up at the same time as Miguel 's jeep .
5 All the pubs and clubs empty out at the same time .
6 To heighten concern about the Convention , Broken Promise could not have come out at a better time .
7 If it had come out at the same time , it would have been submerged , and if it had come out afterwards it would have been seen as merely reactive .
8 It hits his head and you do n't hear the noise it makes because you cry out at the same time , as though it 's you in the bed , you being attacked , you being killed .
9 This case also often occurs in practice due to the results of cases such as grouped meter readings from customers who were at home when the meter reader called , combined with customers ' own readings carried out because they were out when the meter reader called , and a number of special checks that are carried out at a different time .
10 It is essential that proper planned maintenance of equipment is carried out at the recommended time and is correctly recorded , and rectified as quickly as possible , stating the remedial action taken .
11 This allows for the entries to be made by machine accounting whereby several operations can be carried out at the same time .
12 Meanwhile , in our protocol , the denaturation of plasmid DNA and degradation of the contaminating RNA is carried out at the same time in the alkaline solution at high temperature .
13 After an accident it is often found that maintenance work as well as repairs is necessary and it is quite natural that the Policyholder will want both carried out at the same time .
14 We were told that there would be a General 's inspection and the searchlight had to be turned on at a specified time , but when the great moment came we could not start the engine that drove the dynamo and darkness still prevailed .
15 But what commits the muscle to this final pathway and what ensures that all the necessary genes are turned on at the same time ?
16 But Anna did not talk to him , because Sarah came in at the same time .
17 Er , the figures in paragraph five are shown there , but we had a recognition of that additional duty , and a variety of other minor changes which I wo n't go into this morning , that came through at the same time .
18 Second hurdle , managed it a bit better , gave him the signal three strides from the jump , felt him lift off at the right time , felt his assurance flow back and his faith in me revive , even if provisionally .
19 Any mulm and detritus can be syphoned off at the same time .
20 I expect I woke up at the wrong time .
21 In terms of progressing or taking part in the discussion , can I suggest that if you want to come in on a particular item , you put your name board up like that , so that we can readily observe it er and equally , our friend who is looking after the microphones can make sure that the vol the volume of your microphone is turned up at the appropriate time .
22 For their tickets , and I said at the area council if they had turned up like they turned up to pay them thirty pound and eight pound , if they 'd turned up at the same time with a petition form what a difference it would
23 ‘ You mean if he does n't show up at the right time the opportunity wo n't occur again ? ’
24 If it is obvious that US policy towards Indo-China could not be considered in isolation from its policy towards the rest of Asia , it is even more obvious that the integration of US policy for Vietnam came about at the same time as the disintegration of its policy towards China : the most traumatic episode in US power-war policies in Asia , at least until the outbreak of the Korean war .
25 It so happened that on one of these Sundays my CO strolled by at the same time , and the AOC asked him why he had not seen Mahaddie for a pilot 's course .
26 These molecules , the ultimate source of information about what is going on at a specific time in a particular cell , are extremely labile chemically ( for example , to traces of alkaline detergent in less than scrupulously clean glassware ) and enzymatically ( to the ubiquitous ribonuclease ) .
27 Concentration has nothing to do with gritting your teeth and braving it out ; it 's the secret of being more and more relaxed and aware of everything that is going on at the same time .
28 One of the most productive nurseries in the world , the Yorkshire League , has become almost barren and the time has come to pluck from another , rich in blossoms — Shivaji Park , Bombay , where you can stand on the roof-top of the small pavilion and watch 15 games going on at the same time .
29 Oh of course do n't forget yester yesterday erm they allow so many in so you 'd all be going in at the same time
30 Arranged them by pushing the ‘ record ’ and ‘ play ’ buttons down at the same time .
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