Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] on the way [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm surprised you did n't fall over on the way here . ’
2 ‘ You can just see the sea from the nursery , ’ explains Prue , ‘ and if you stand on the loo and look out of that little window you can see all those cloverleaf intersections you drove over on the way in .
3 Most of the guests on his show live next door — they just pop in on the way home from work .
4 Dispel notions of lethargic ponies plodding nose to tail , only speeding up on the way back to the stables : trail riding can be both challenging and exciting .
5 And we 'll drop in on the way home to watch a few election results or do you think if I start having a party tomorrow night it 's gon na get out of hand ?
6 ‘ He said he 'd call in on the way home . ’
7 ‘ Perhaps they 'll call in on the way home , ’ she said wistfully .
8 Erm , I wondered if I should ask her if she 's going to the chinese tomorrow if she wants to drop in on the way home .
9 Or does he concur with the view of the Minister for Housing and Planning that the homeless are merely the people whom one steps over on the way out of the opera ?
10 Water that has evaporated and condensed in the upper atmosphere , and then falls as rain , should be pure , except for a little carbon dioxide picked up on the way down ( although in fact , these days , it tends also to contain a whole catalogue of pollutants ) .
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