Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] with the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After we 'd agreed the itinerary I got on with the detailed flying planning , using the new French VFR maps and the American TPC ( Tactical Pilotage Charts ) which we bought from Stamfords in London .
2 The FIVE NATIONS COMMITTEE has agreed to carry on with the successful recent experiment of having the referees ‘ wired ’ to the commentators ' headphones during games .
3 It was sewn with coarse grass and carefully mended with leather patches stitched on with the same coarse grass .
4 250 They 've become accustomed What they 're forgetting is that this fits in with the stated local plan and with original proposals set out in 1989 which is n't so long ago but people tend to forget that sort of thing 328
5 Work your way to the other end — the last trench is simply filled in with the barrowed top spit from the first row .
6 We should prefer to go along with the European Communitywide scheme so that British industry is not put at a disadvantage .
7 It had been Dr Rolleston 's great sorrow that he had not been able to help children who had come in with the dreaded Infantile Paralysis , not that any other professor in Europe had been able to do better than by careful nursing stop the paralysis spreading .
8 Orbitel Mobile Communications Ltd says it is to launch its latest series of Groupe Speciale Mobile phones at CeBit ‘ 93 , in Hannover : improvements to come in with the new 901 series include improved battery life , speedier battery charging , and ‘ added functionality ’ , although Orbitel is not saying yet exactly what it means by this ; the series is to include a combined mobile and transportable phone , providing both in-car and portable functionality , the company says .
9 Meanwhile Jackson himself , a gangly six foot four , with a hairline not so much receding as speeding flat out towards his neck , was easily slotted in with the other unlikely pop stars , taking their surly revenge on the conventional way of doing things .
10 Erm , the reason that that does n't tie in with the four hundred and eighty thousand pound er , increase in spending is that offsetting that seven hundred and seventeen thousand that you 've funded from your contingency , there is also a net reduction in spending by the Committee because of the changes in the devolution of central department charges and their allocation through committees , well less have been allocated to Social Services Committee in total .
11 It is thought to be exploring how insurance risks compare and fit in with the other financial risks it already manages routinely for customers .
12 As she moved off with the other mounted followers , Artemis determined that if her father thought it was time for her to stop riding ponies and learn to hunt on a horse , then so be it .
13 As the water level lowered below the Deep Level horizon , it was decided to start driving a tunnel from the shaft side , to meet up with the advancing Deep Level from the south .
14 And as the dignitaries stiffly walked towards their jeeps and their ride home we prepared again for battle : to film , photograph , and record sound , while keeping up with the uproarious final procession to the cliffs .
15 ST IVEL has come up with the first fresh yoghurt range especially made for young appetites .
16 One-colour borders have been enjoying renewed popularity recently , and Mr Fothergill 's Seeds has come up with the perfect quick answer to monochrome gardening .
17 The panel will be asked to come up with the best all-time team on earth after viewing Pele 's new six-part , 12-hour range of football films .
18 The professor said that the plans , which will not involve incineration , followed the region 's appointment of consultants to come up with the best environmental option for the disposal of the region 's sewage sludge without excessive cost .
19 The UK 's Solutions with Workstations Show at London 's Olympia between May 11 and 13 will be a good chance for the UK and Europe to catch up with the latest Common OpenSoftware Environment developments : Peter Idoine of IBM Corp , Steve Raby of Sun Microsystems Inc and Mike Shelton of the Santa Cruz Operation Inc will hold interactive sessions on COSE at 11am on each of the three days of the exhibition .
20 There 's a chance to catch up with the latest Scottish news in our evening bulletin .
21 Sausalito , California-based Autodesk Inc has come out with the first major product from its European Software Centre in Neuchatel , Switzerland : AutoCAD Release 11 for the IBM RS/6000 line of workstations .
22 IBM Corp is still not ready with a full scale disk array for its mainframes , but next week , the company is expected to come out with the new 3390-9 disk drives , offering three times the capacity of the 3390-3 — could be as much as 60Gb on the As , 100Gb on the Bs ( CI No 2,046 ) — but they will be somewhat slower than the existing ones : a new 3990 controller that will be able to talk to disks that do not exist yet is expected to follow later , probably in the autumn .
23 The government maintains that dipping is safe if carried out with the recommended protective clothing and other precautions .
24 She just could n't wait to go through with the whole messy , life-destroying business .
25 But it had become impossible for Mr Major to plod on with the same soiled team .
26 [ 2 ] The outcome was compared in babies operated on with the traditional light general anaesthesia and in those who received analgesics before , during and after the operation .
27 When he returned from exile , he was fired with the wish to help his country catch up with the advanced industrial countries of the west , so he set up the Czech Industrial Museum in his family brewery .
28 I was fed up with the yucky mouldy silicone round the edge and reckoned a proper job should be done on it .
29 And , despite what the media claimed , Reagan was not elected because people were fed up with the huge federal deficit and were clamoring for budget cuts … .
30 ‘ It was an obvious choice , partly because of all the business they were doing in Europe and also because the public was fed up with the same old faces ; here was someone fresh at last , ’ recalls Peter Batty , director of the him .
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