Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] against [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The other hand , also in a clenched fist position , is tucked in against the opposite side of the body , with the thumb and fingers facing upwards .
2 At the next intersection he drew in against the left-hand wall , peering around the corner into the corridor to his left .
3 Gruesome flogging cartoons and fantasies of violent reprisal dominated the response , and when the magazine crashed down against the garotting packs and the sentimentalists ( and it was not always clear who was supposed to be the real villain ) both humour and artistic quality were sometimes surrendered as hostages to the gout .
4 Man stands over against the awful otherness of God , by which his own existence is challenged , questioned and judged ; but in faith he finds the power nonetheless to live in that encounter with God by which each present moment becomes a meeting with eternity .
5 In February of 1982 , the Sunni fundamentalists of Hama rose up against the Alawite regime .
6 There came a day , said Freud , the sons in frustration , rose up against the primal father , murdered him , ate him , in a grisly act of cannibalism , raped the mothers and sisters , and then having gratified the positive side of , of the negative side of their ambivalence , about the primal father , their hate for him , their desire to supplant him , and so on , were left with the positive side unsatisfied .
7 It is a real moral aberration that leaves at liberty those who violated human dignity and those who rose up against the constitutional order . ’
8 EFFORTS to improve atomic clocks have come up against an unexpected hurdle .
9 However , he was unfortunate to come up against a finely-tuned Remittance Man last March and , although Katabatic ran a cracker , mounting a ferocious challenge up the final climb , he was held by a length at the line .
10 However , connections were unfortunate to come up against a fine-tuned Remittance Man last March and , although Katabatic ran a cracker , mounting a ferocious challenge up the final climb , he was held by a length at the line .
11 If you are planning to build your own conservatory , you are likely to come up against the new Pat N of the Building Regulations .
12 Scooting down the side-aisle , she ducked past him and out of the shop , where she continued to run blindly until she was caught up against a solid chest .
13 Instinctively she drew back against the damp cellar wall , willing herself to fuse into the crumbling , whitewashed brickwork .
14 His scream echoed madly inside the tunnel as he fell was slammed against the brickwork then bounced back against the speeding train , his body pulped by the impact .
15 The governing body of English basketball has come out against a top woman player who wants to compete with men .
16 From the time of James 's second Indulgence , most Whigs and Nonconformists had come out against the suspending power , on the promise that if they stuck by the Church , they would be given some measure of toleration .
17 The opposition leader Hugh Gaitskell pressed the point and eventually , on 14 May , Eden was forced to admit that an underwater spying operation had been carried out against the Russian ships by Crabb but that it had been done without official approval .
18 Only Rugby Union holds out against the commercial tide despite widespread speculation about covert payments to players .
19 From time to time Sherif 's woolly old head , loosely wrapped in a dirty headdress , would fall back against the fly-speckled surface of the remaining quarter of a red sign .
20 Large plants and containers make this impractical , and it is then a case of loosening the soil-ball at the sides with a stick pushed down against the inside wall of the container .
21 This database , however large or small , can then be used to select very quickly certain employees who match up against a particular job profile .
22 Both have pushed up against a lower limit which is , I believe , economic in character .
23 The Poles , through Commissioner General Marian Chodacki , said that what went on to their stamps was their business , and they were genuinely mystified that Danzigers whose ancestors had risen up against the Teutonic Knights should feel offended by stamps that celebrated their victory .
24 Donald was in full cry but he came up against a rejuvenated Kapil Dev .
25 On all sides : the abolitionists , the retentionists , and the abstainers , the vote was recognized as a momentous one in which the consciences of Members of Parliament came up against a profound issue transcending party politics .
26 For example , Matt Parsley ( Caldy ) came up against an inspired show by Edwards .
27 For example , Matt Parsley ( Caldy ) came up against an inspired show by Edwards .
28 But in the Japanese Empire she at last came up against an eastern power developing at a rate comparable to her own , and one capable of offering effective resistance .
29 For the first time Gould came up against the devastating effects of unlimited commercial exploitation .
30 Perhaps he came up against the Edwardian equivalent of a conservation lobby .
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