Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [prep] the [noun] [Wh adv] " in BNC.

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1 In all the tanks where my fish are housed a small terracotta saucer is placed on to the bottom where the food is placed , this does help when it comes to cleaning the uneaten food off the aquarium bottom .
2 He stopped , mouth agape , gazing down across the Sound where Luch up on the roof was pointing .
3 But when he got down to the streets where we live he said , ‘ If people want a cleaner Britain , they can start with their own street and their own neighbourhood ’ .
4 ‘ And we all converge down in the meadow where the skirmishing will take place .
5 Slowly , inch by inch , the three men advanced the half mile across no-man's-land , towards the Allied front line , pressing their faces back down into the mud whenever the moon reappeared from behind its unreliable screen .
6 From the square in front of the hotel , an avenue led down to the Corniche where people strolled arm iii arm along the Nile .
7 ‘ Hey , Ellen ! ’ the doctor shouted down to the galley where Ellen was trying to disguise the fact that the frozen steaks were being thawed in a microwave .
8 The little larvae soon emerge — they know which way to go ! — and bore down into the stem where they pupate and eventually emerge as adults .
9 I wandered down to the kitchens where Wolsey 's chefs were busy creating subtleties , strange confectionery creations : towers and castles of sugar ready to launch their assault on valiant teeth .
10 She hesitated , her eyes showing a momentary unease , then she did as she was told , walking over to the corner where he had indicated .
11 The herds of antelope cluster together a little more tightly ; vultures and storks alight in the tops of trees to roost ; baboons clamber up into the branches where they will be safe from prowling leopards .
12 Susan 's eyes grew wide as Maggie told her about her ride on the telegraph pole , ending up at The Haven where she 'd been rescued by Bryce .
13 The small village was completely silent as the Marines who had landed at the small fishing jetty moved up into the plateau where the houses were built .
14 Do you want to come up to the window where you can see ?
15 Applications may , however , be considered up to the date when a course begins , provided that not all places have been filled .
16 It is advisable to apply as early as possible , and preferably before 31 January of the proposed year of entry to the University , though application may be considered up to the date when a course begins , subject to the availability of places .
17 However applications may be considered up to the date when a course begins , subject to the availability of places .
18 Then he 'd been walking back to The Randolph when he suddenly felt he just could n't face his excessively sympathetic countrymen , and he 'd called in a pub and drunk a couple of pints of lager .
19 He was unhappy there but , determined not to slip back into the pits where his grandfather had wielded a pick , worked hard and won scholarships both to Jesus College , Oxford , and the University College of Aberystwyth .
20 ‘ Displacement activity , ’ she said and headed back to the mantelpiece where she swapped a silver-framed photograph for a white porcelain horse .
21 Most spreadsheets were designed back in the days when 640KBytes was the maximum amount of memory that was available .
22 A villager who had played in the open fields as a boy , or watched the sheep in the common pastures , would have lived to see the modern landscape of his parish completed and matured , the roads all made , the hedgerow trees full grown , and new farmhouses built out in the fields where none had ever been before .
23 Back at the 18th green the Princess had not yet been given her cue to come out onto the dais where the presentations were to be made .
24 That was the kidney knifed out of the bullocks where the kidney lay in , what you have steak and kidney pies , yeah .
25 A poll carried out into the reasons why people voted for the SDP candidate in the Warrington by-election of 1981 revealed that only 9 per cent did so because they supported SDP policy ; 8 per cent did so because they admired the well-known candidate ; and nearly 70 per cent voted for negative " reasons — the most frequently cited being their opposition to the extremism of the two established parties .
26 They used to pop up in the morning when it was a bit cooler and damper and then flatten out in the afternoon when the temperature got up .
27 While he was getting ready , I wandered back to the turning where I 'd left Armstrong and looked back across the road .
28 From the oast house we wandered back to the brewhouse where the copper boil was progressing satisfactorily and the previous days ' brews were frothing cheerfully away in their tall , cylindrical fermenters .
29 Verily , the game has moved on from the days when Bobby Locke could , for instance , win seven tournaments in his baptismal year on the US circuit , and four Open Championships on this side of the Atlantic , and yet virtually never feel the need to depart from his habitual draw .
30 Approaching Keld I dropped down into the dale where Great Sleddale Beck falls over a succession of stairs , hard bands of limestone that have resisted the action of the water to form an impressive series of falls all of which are within a mile or so of Keld village .
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