Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [coord] [verb] he [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Like there was this girl , she worked in the paper shop down the road , and there was this black kid who kept pestering her all the time , so we had to go down and sort him out .
2 Angel , on a faster pony and using his whip , had nearly caught her up when Luke thundered up and rode him off .
3 This news came within a week , as he had been picked up on Myitkyina airfield , unable to walk , and a lone plane came down and took him over to Dibrugarh , where he had to stay in hospital for over a week .
4 I think we 're just gon na have to let him moan I would n't mind , but until last weekend , he never give a dickie bird about going to sleep I think it was that came in and set him off she should 've just left him on to it instead of trying to do it herself
5 They drove over and picked him up .
6 Ruth wanted to reach out and pull him back , as if he were moving towards a precipice .
7 Broke a few windows and scared everyone shitless until Tyler Beck turned up and cooled him off .
8 You remember Peter when he was , er , totally different context , but the lesson is the same , when he was when Jesus called him to walk on the water and he starts walking , and then , he looks around and for what e , for whatever reason he starts sinking , the moment he calls out help Jesus reaches out and lifts him back him rescues him .
9 She got up and swung him around .
10 I was surprised , although not as surprised as Mike Tyson when Frank got up and hit him back .
11 Best to sit back and cue him up for the one-liners .
12 I had to climb off and lead him out , and he was covered in mud all down one side . ’
13 Tammuz leapt up and guided him back into the corridor .
14 They milled around and tidied him up to his satisfaction and went on their way singing :
15 He 's right next door to Reggie 's flats when you go down and pick him up
16 Laura strode over and booted him on to his back .
17 She went over and helped him up and offered to buy him breakfast which , after a lot of persuasion , he accepted .
18 The lure of big money was on the way and director Bob Rafelson had fortunately obtained Jack 's signature for another BBS film before the price went up and put him back on track as a counter-culture player , a route which Nicholson analysed in terms of the way he wanted his career to go .
19 He let Coffin go up and drag him out .
20 Then she went out and picked him up and cuddled him and fed him on the cream of a new bottle of milk .
21 ‘ Might as well go back and finish him off , ’ says Iain .
22 ‘ So you went round and turned him out ? ’
23 I was roused from my room with a call from the Cambridge police , Stewart had been arrested for disorderly conduct and was demanding that his skipper should come down and bail him out .
24 He foresaw I would try and get out and lock him in .
25 same lines , but , he know he , you assume that as soon as you got outside him , that bloody draft would come round and push him back and the other bloke would carry on .
26 Then you come in and blast him out . ’
27 Still , we reached the end in a while , and I stood up and tugged him back until he was sitting wedged in the corner , supported by the rear and side walls .
28 She jumped up and thrust him down on the seat , holding his shoulders .
29 Pushing his cart and yelling like Dervishes , they jumped up and pinned him down .
30 Do n't you dare I 'm in charge of this interview and erm and erm and erm what 's caused this and why discussion what has caused this change to try and find out and put him off Horrible feeling you see two people shouting at each other two people shouting at each other get the impression that the other party is actually doing an impression of a goldfish and going like that .
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