Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] [adv] into the night " in BNC.

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1 When Tom produced a half-firkin of ale , saved from his own wedding , it became apparent the celebration was going to carry on far into the night .
2 She did not provide him with wine , to be sure , but he took it in the caffè he frequented , a caffè where politics were argued over far into the night and the arguers fell asleep at the table .
3 ‘ For God 's sake , why ? ’ bleated Frye , returning to the window and looking out briefly into the night at the blurred wreck of the car in the forecourt .
4 Here you 'll find long sandy beaches in coves between rugged , rocky headlands ; clear blue sea , perfect for swimming and watersports ; sun , sun and more sun of the hot and tanning variety ; and great nightlife with bars , discos and live music going on deep into the night and beyond .
5 Now Robyn threw herself into her work , staying up late into the night , as she had done in the early days of setting up her business , working with feverish persistence to complete a design .
6 One of the group makes his own wine , and in the summer they sit out late into the night , drinking the wine and talking .
7 The GB and Ireland team went wild , rushing across the green to swamp their Scottish saviour and the celebrations went on long into the night , and the morning too .
8 And they were expecting , of course , a well-run settlement , a sort of East Anglian kibbutz , where the members had appointed duties , where vegetarianism prevailed and brown rice had an almost holy significance and discussions on mystical or occult or philosophic subjects went on long into the night .
9 They had n't the appeal of the stinking lanes fitfully lit by naphtha flares in the souks when a fair went on long into the night .
10 And the celebrations went on long into the night … they could n't have done any better Down Under .
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