Example sentences of "[verb] [vb infin] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , with improved internal-management accounting practices , it is likely that external disclosure practices will also improve , to help combat concerns about the short-term biases of current accounting practices and stock-market pressures .
2 We now have to raise money , in more fortunate areas like Oxfordshire to help provide scouting in the inner cities .
3 National Guardsmen and military police flown in from the USA to help stem looting in the immediate aftermath of the hurricane were withdrawn gradually towards the end of the year .
4 Among the Board 's principal aims is to provide the leadership that can negotiate a further reduction in betting tax to help put racing on a firm financial footing .
5 Most had nothing at all to say about it and those that did comment relied to a large extent on a discourse and terminology borrowed from the ‘ agenda setting nexus ’ of mainstream criticism .
6 Again your electrical appliances do want servicing on a regular basis .
7 ‘ Of course , as you know , Hilary did want to transfer to the Comprehensive for his GCE year , ’ said Mrs Frome .
8 This observation did appear to conform with the actual behaviour of money wages in the interwar period , particularly in Britain .
9 Moreover , the economic cleavage that was perceived to be developing in this society did appear to correspond to the religious tensions that were generating party strife , and to anxious High Church Tories seemed to be yet another part of the process whereby Dissenters were thriving in the changed political climate after the Revolution at the expense of the Anglican interest .
10 Some USM companies do feel neglected by the financial community , but the easing of the rules for transferring to a full listing may assuage them .
11 I do like to hear about a new garden in the planning .
12 ‘ So you 're saying the beetle did keep driving in a straight line — a straight line as far as he was concerned — in his two dimensions , ’ said Uncle Albert .
13 If you do decide to buy from a private bazaar you will be expected to haggle .
14 I can dramatize this by discussing the one time when I did try to aim for a distant target .
15 Admittedly you often do have to search for an underlying structure in Berlioz 's work .
16 ‘ Companies do have to compete in the financial marketplace , they do have to gain support of institutions and analysts , and if you can develop a reputation for high quality reporting , it all helps . ’
17 To find a Chipie store , you do n't have to look too hard , but you do have to look off the main shopping street .
18 If they do attempt to fly on a windy day , then a check flight should be made to ensure that they remember the hazards and how to avoid them .
19 The area of ground selected was described somewhat imprecisely as : ‘ All that piece of ground situate north of Fig Lane [ now Crowndale Road ] St Pancras extending northwards from thence 650 feet on average abutting Eastwards on the Church path leading to Kentish Town and is in a parallel breadth 270 feet abutting Westward on other Ground intended and agreed to be used as Garden Ground by the said Messrs. Kirkman and Hendy or the Undertenants and no buildings to be erected thereon which shall raise more than 12 feet above the present surface and nearer than 80 feet to the ground hereby lett and that they will reserve a Street or way 60 feet wide at the least at the northern extremity of the said ground and that the said Messrs. Kirkman and Hendy do engage to lett to the Veterinary College a piece or any part of their ground at any time within twelve months which they the College shall determine upon a ranging line with the north extremity of the piece already described at and after the rate of £30 per acre nett which are the same terms as the ground described and mentioned are lett at and also at and upon the same reservation of the pepper corn Rent . ’
20 Erm , they do , they are , they they have had er , registered disabled employees previously , er , and they are committed in in one ex example of two work experience er children from the St Francis Special School , they take two every year , er for for works experience training , and I do intend to talk to the General Manager and ensure that they are encouraging di disabled people to apply for jobs of that kind .
21 In principle there was no distinction between indirect interference at the first stage and such interference at a remoter stage , but the more indirect and remote the interference , the more difficult it may be to establish on the facts that A did intend to interfere with the particular contract relied on by the plaintiff and that that interference was a necessary consequence of A 's wrongful act .
22 It is interesting to note that the movements of the real exchange rates do seem to move around the level appropriate to a purchasing power parity explanation .
23 Without engaging in the details of this debate , and having presented what is an admittedly brief over-simplification of Bernstein 's work , I would nevertheless venture to say that the different response patterns of working-class and middle-class women in the present sample do seem to fit into the broad outlines of Bernstein 's scheme .
24 Perhaps they thought it was for unwanted babies ; she did start to explain about the new home for blind children , but never had to finish .
25 For a biographer , meeting the family is where the real process of empathy begins , says Forster : ‘ You see the facial characteristics , the old vibes do start churning in a different way .
26 Imogen now contemplates a change of direction : ‘ I have toyed with the idea of retraining as a Primary School teacher as I do love helping on a regular basis at my son 's school ’ .
27 There is , perhaps , the beginning of a choice here : a choice that confirms that Mr Clinton really is a new Democrat , really is suspicious of old Democratic liberalism , and really does want to govern from the solid , decent centre of America .
28 But the presence of characters such as midfacial projection and an incipient suprainiac fossa does seem to point to a significant phylogenetic link with the Neanderthals , aligning the Atapuerca hominids with that clade ( or species , if H. neanderthalensis is recognised ) .
29 The mesenchyme does seem to contract to a modest extent , but more importantly , the epidermis clearly moves inwards over the marked mesenchyme cells .
30 The authors claim that ‘ traditional acupuncture points ’ were used , and the hand point does seem to correspond to the Chinese acupuncture point Hegu ( LI4 ) .
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