Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] me with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even more exciting for me was the news that our Principal , Reg Clarke , had decided to entrust me with the command of the first of the 1.5 million pound cruisers to be named Searcher .
2 For a moment , I thought he was going to hit me with the shoe ; then he dropped it on the floor and began to pull at my clothes .
3 And my father 's said he 's going to help me with the fees , so it 's all going to work out . ’
4 We 're going to adopt him , you see , and he 's going to help me with the farm work . ’
5 I mean , schools the only thing I was , I 'd been governor of a a school for thirty years that was used to depress me with the fact that we could n't get for our schools the things that we needed because to me and to all the people in Harlow who have children are concerned that we are being stopped so much money on education which is the most vital thing in our children 's lives !
6 ‘ Ling will have to help me with the barbecue .
7 After checking that I was not talking to the media , I asked what the nature of her enquiry was , and she proceeded to furnish me with the facts .
8 Anyway today we had the scene where Matt had to hit me with the paddle sort of semi-accidentally .
9 ‘ I do seem to recall something about you offering to help me with the party preparations .
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