Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] me to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ After I 'd talked to Sue , another member of staff helped to introduce me to the residents .
2 Fagan 's waiting to take me to the station . "
3 I was now twenty metres up in the air , and I desperately hoped he would not decide to throw me to the ground .
4 She agreed to accompany me to the building society the next day so that we could withdraw Charlie 's share of the money .
5 She used to regularly get tickets for Hancock 's Half Hour radio shows simply for the chance to see Ken at work — ‘ Men used to fight to escort me to the broadcasts . ’
6 ‘ Do you wish to put me to the test ? ’
7 While he was thinking how to do this , he was asked to bring me to the palace .
8 Lord Aldington is determined to pursue me to the end .
9 Two of my other men came running over and they had to pin me to the ground .
10 There was cramp in my neck and arms and I was so tired that it seemed almost as if a malevolent magnetism was trying to drag me to the ground .
11 He wanted to take me to the dance , you see .
12 I asked her , " Would you mind if I have a boyfriend ? " and she said " It depends " and I said " What if I said somebody wanted to take me to the pictures ? " and it was , " If a boy wants to take you to the pictures , he 's only alter one thing .
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