Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] into [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Each has their own schizoid features , Presley gorging on chocs and biscuits , Haley preferring to lapse into drugged sleep and oblivion , but both paralysed with terror of the world outside and indulging in dreams of the golden days when mummy and daddy were alive and all was right with the world .
2 I 'm sorry about that , it really is more of a second thought , although I do n't want to go into any detail and I 'd like , like any broad that you have to be in my mind in this case at least
3 So this letter which refers to our processes in this county council , it 's talking about people who want to go into residential care and to use public money .
4 Clients with greater needs than this , the DSS said , would be ‘ expected to go into residential care or a nursing home ’ .
5 They were forbidden to go into certain areas and they were n't allowed to have passports .
6 Have to has to come into common use before it gets into the dictionary .
7 Well I I I would n't er pin point the German attitude on this one , I mean after all we did collaborate with Germany very successfully on the tornado which has a nuclear role but the the four governments must first of all decide if that is what we want to build into this aeroplane and they decided that they did not at that stage .
8 I cooked and ate and even washed up ; tried to get into some music and resisted the temptation to open a bottle of wine .
9 I mean Halloween is it 's a pagan ritual it 's there to worship the devil it 's the most poignant date in the calendar if you want to get into black magic if you want to dance naked round er a sheep 's heart with sticks stuck through it .
10 Sometimes that world can seem unfair , but even when he lost his driving licence for a year for failing to give a breath test , he quipped : ‘ I really tried to blow into that machine but I 'm a singer not a bugler . ’
11 One way to do this is for each group to aim to divide into two groups and eventually to form a new church in the area where they meet .
12 ‘ We did n't get out of second gear , ’ he said , ‘ but we are looking to get into third gear and , hopefully , top for next Saturday . ’
13 With her experience in the grant-aided sector , Karen Hamilton was able to choose to move into mainstream broadcasting and , on a personal level , it 's been a very positive experience for her .
14 Dr Watson agreed to look into this matter and to contact Health & Safety .
15 The Committee will not begin to look into this case until any possible appeal has been resolved .
16 Intact chromosomes can be lifted out of cells for genetic studies ; plant protoplasts ( cells devoid of their cell walls ) can be persuaded to grow into whole plants and much has been learned of plant metabolism by grafting experiments — for example the grafting of tomato tops to potato tubers demonstrated the energy storing capacity of tubers , although the — hybrid was of little practical value hybrids of potato and tomato cells have also been grown .
17 If , by some appalling stroke of bad luck , he and I happened to bump into each other while we 're here — ’ He broke off .
18 Baïf was a typical humanist and , like Girolamo Mei and Vincenzo Galilei , strove to probe into Greek poetry and music ; for fourteen years the Académie propagated his ideas .
19 What you describe does sound a little bit like a chicken and egg situation from the point of view that I think you were saying that erm many teachers are ill-equipped , actually , to teach erm physics , perhaps , and chemistry , whereas they are a little bit better able to get across fundamental ideas in biology , and in a sense because of this they are going to produce another generation who perhaps have very ill-founded ideas of these basic sciences and so on and so forth , and somehow one 's got to cut into this cycle and actually improve it , improve the output somehow .
20 What you describe does sound a little bit like a chicken and egg situation from the point of view that I think you were saying that erm many teachers are ill-equipped , actually , to teach erm physics , perhaps , and chemistry , whereas they are a little bit better able to get across fundamental ideas in biology , and in a sense because of this they are going to produce another generation who perhaps have very ill-founded ideas of these basic sciences and so on and so forth , and somehow one 's got to cut into this cycle and actually improve it , improve the output somehow .
21 I expected to bump into young Darius or someone .
22 An average 66% opt to continue into Further Education and do n't worry about a job .
23 They began to drift into amiable silence when they had asked each other questions about their children and the schools , and the plans they had for their holiday in Ireland .
24 Hayling 's authority as chief executive was severely dented by the decision , and his defeat contributed to the creating of an unmanageable company where authority was beginning to dissolve into competing committees and rival cabals .
25 As you might expect from such headlong cross-breeding and hybridizing in the incessant search for something different and new , the various types are so widely stretched that the edges tend to run into each other and merge , and the dividing line becomes ever more difficult to discern .
26 In the mid eighties , the group started to expand into out-of-town superstores that sold a full range of furniture , bedding and furnishings , as well as carpets .
27 Mother , who was two or three years older , used to worry herself sick about the way he toiled , going on every hour sent in all weathers , and not stopping to change into dry clothes when the weather was wet .
28 For example , many old people living alone have been forced to move into residential care when experiencing a temporary crisis ( perhaps a broken hip or a mild stroke ) in the absence of suitable emergency domiciliary care .
29 No Man was allowed to enter into that heart and live .
30 This is particularly the case where the speculator ’ sells on ’ options for each separate parcel of land forming the site and the developer is left to enter into formal contracts and legal completion for the purchase of the land in the usual way .
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