Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] at the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 If you use windows it is worth putting applications that you might need to use at the same time on different drives .
2 I am saying that , as an organisation , it can not cope with the work it has to do at the present time .
3 The idea is to order everything you want to eat at the same time , then work your way through the tower of baskets .
4 She is saying that this good thing , this knowledge , can be used — to tell us , for example , that Amis is not a Tudor writer : but she is rather more moved to say at the same time that it ca n't or can hardly be used , devoted as she is to the thought of a separation between , in this case , Amis 's friendships and politics , his life — and his art .
5 And somehow all her own reservations and objections seemed to evaporate at the same time .
6 We would only need to witness a marked increase in trade and there will certainly be an increase in demand why do you think trade has increased ? and trade is n't a necessary condition it 's just that trade has tended to grow at the same time as erm as demand is growing .
7 Timed to appear at the same time as the major Ramsay exhibition in Edinburgh and London , and well in advance of the same author 's catalogue raisonné , this must be one of the year 's most persuasive monographs .
8 News of the victory spread as the clans began to muster at the appointed time at Glenfinnan , which , with the mountains rising all around the tranquil waters of the loch , provided an intensely dramatic setting for the formal beginning of the campaign .
9 He arranged to return at the same time the next day to set about identifying the traitor in Tuwaithah .
10 They both began to speak at the same time , and Fen gestured to her to go first .
11 And young Paul Daly , the son of Brian , had a rather one-sided 21-10 win over Martin McHugh of Carrickfergus in the under-25 singles semi-final after McHugh selected to drive at the wrong time , which was right up Daly 's street .
12 you do have to remember at the same time that these documents would be going home and
13 The refusal is as understandable as it is naive , but seems to constitute at the same time what amounts to an abnegation of intellectual curiosity about human needs .
14 Gp Capt R C Hockey sent Air Mail the excellent photograph of what happened at Kinloss on a dark night in October 1943 when an Anson was approaching to land at the same time — and on the same bit of field — as a Whitley was just starting its take-off run .
15 These Councils , and another four formed later , continue to operate at the present time as autonomous bodies with their own presidents officers and delegates .
16 Why so many of the other directors chose to sell at the same time is not known to me .
17 " Your beauty , " ( Miles bit into the toast and crunched it up , managing to smile at the same time ) , " coming so early in the morning , and so on , is totally confusing .
18 Should two adjacent needles try to tuck at the same time , there is nothing between these two needles to actually hold the loops on to the individual needles , so the loops become just one loop , which often falls off both needles .
19 but you hate to think at the same time what happened how they were burning you hate to think of
20 You can be truly successful this year , especially if you have learned to diversify at the same time as pursuing the well-beaten track to your objectives .
21 MAKE everyone in the house agree to breakfast at the same time so you ( a ) get a clear kitchen , and ( b ) know you can get some help .
22 The trouble with this is that , although the plants are meant to bloom at the same time , invariably some flower later or earlier , and ruin the whole carefully thought-out scheme .
23 The three men start to speak at the same time .
24 in psychology and chucked in electrical engineering and started a psychology course and he had to work at the same time as he studied for some of that time
25 ( 8 ) The more female ducks the males have to look at the more time they spend looking at them .
26 To avoid the chaos that would arise if , for example , several users wanted to print at the same time , the resources of a network may be controlled by ‘ servers ’ .
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