Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] at [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Despite intensive pressure to resign in the aftermath of the serious rioting of late April and early May — itself a product of the acquittal of those officers accused of assaulting King — and police failings which the unrest revealed [ see pp. 38856 ; 38894 ] , King continued to prevaricate until June 8 when he finally agreed to go at the end of the month .
2 Hartley 's philosophy was in fact an early form of the twentieth-century scheme of mental association known as Behaviourism ( Pavlov 's dogs were taught to salivate at the sound of an electric bell ) , and if writing today he would presumably have compared the brain to a computer .
3 Boys 14 and 15 once tried to sit at the back of the coach but were rapidly sent to the front where , it was said , ‘ they always sat ’ .
4 It is , however , a very special kind of autobiography , and may be compared to the accounts of their own lives which the early Methodists were expected to write at the time of their reception into the church : in such spiritual autobiographies divine visitations were singled out for special mention as evidences of God 's grace and power ; they were contrasted with laments over sinful behaviour and backsliding , and led to the culminating moment of conversion .
5 A few years back each golfer used his own collection of chipped and misshapen balls and the caddies were expected to stand at the end of the practice area and collect them .
6 Our perception of the pub has to work at a number of levels — mostly obvious , but nonetheless worth clarifying .
7 The man moved to stand at the top of the stairs , barring their way , and then he recognized the young man .
8 Penry Vaughan ducked his tall head through the doorway and moved to stand at the foot of the bed in the shadows beyond the arc of light from the small lamp .
9 You 'll find specimens of most of the kind of letters you will need to write at every stage of a simple conveyancing matter in Appendix II .
10 For example , in a particular year a given region has x million inhabitants and the population is expected to increase at a rate of 2% per year .
11 The goat stopped abruptly and tried to chew at the hem of Mrs Hollidaye 's brown jacket .
12 Unlike the United States Supreme Court , which can delve deep into the deliberations of the Founding Fathers to try to elucidate what was meant by a particular provision of the Constitution , British courts are not permitted to look at the proceedings of Parliament in order to determine what Parliament really meant .
13 One only has to look at the woodcuts of Henri II 's entry into Rouen in 1550 — which Mary very probably witnessed — to get a breath-taking impression of the splendour of royal pageantry , with the king himself riding on a chariot of immense size and grandeur , accompanied by heavily caparisoned elephants .
14 One only has to look at the achievements of David Gower , Monica Seles , John McEnroe and Jimmy White , to mention just a few , to realise that left-handers can excel at their chosen sport .
15 One only has to look at the halving of the value of the youth training allowance and the way in which young people between the ages of 16 and 18 can no longer claim benefit , including housing benefit .
16 It follows therefore , does it not , that one has to look at the characteristics of the land you now propose to take out of the greenbelt , in the same way as the land immediately to the north , which you propose should remain .
17 Because of the size of the data this is a large commitment to space which is only worthwhile where a large number of people want to look at a lot of the data .
18 Firstly I want to look at the idea of partnership .
19 I want to look at the consequences of replacing these assumptions by two others : that we should concentrate on how mind might develop out of matter ; and that we should view the mind primarily as something which enables action .
20 I 'm sorry to inflict this on you , Miss Glynn , but I want to look at the contents of the bureau amongst other things and it is better that a member of the family should be present .
21 Such movements , however , do not necessarily and simply entail the substitution of a smaller conjugally-based family for a traditional extended family ; rather it would appear that at these times kin may take on a new significance , and that we may need to look at a network of relationships much wider than the conjugal family .
22 It was also suggested that theologians may need to look at the theology of play in order to gain a more positive understanding of the entertainment role of the media .
23 The time has come to look at the Treaty of European Union and the philosophy which lies behind it in a little more detail .
24 She had come to look at the frescos of Sandweg , the frescos that interpreted the story of the Massacre of the Innocents — the slaughter of the male children of Bethlehem at the behest of Herod .
25 If only one stopped to look at the shape of the garment and the stitch used , it might well be just what we have been looking for !
26 It 's expected to look at the affect of the closure and what can be done about it .
27 This study was designed to look at an array of possible influences on diabetic control in a group of diabetic patients in the community in order to identify which factors influenced glycaemic control and to quantify the relative contribution of each .
28 For more weeks than I care to remember I have been working on a Panorama programme designed to look at the future of the Tory Party , even beyond Thatcherism .
29 And , of course , you buy only the weeks you want to use at a fraction of the cost of buying the whole property , with all the facilities of the first class Hotel and Country Club at your disposal …
30 An aim can be taken to be a statement of intent on the part of the teacher , usually expressed in general terms , whilst an objective is a statement describing in specific terms what the student is expected to do at the end of a course of learning experience .
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