Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] to [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 After Victoria 's accession Lehzen , never skilled in personal relationships , failed to adjust to changed circumstances and her charge 's coming of age .
2 Changing to a vegetarian diet is a big step as the body needs to adjust to different foods and sources of protein and you need to cope with new methods of cooking and shopping .
3 Noted as relevant to the Clapham accident were the factors that : Working practices were permitted to slip to dangerous standards and quality of supervision was permitted to slip to an equivalent degree ; quality of testing did not meet BR standards ; no proper system of training of installation and testing staff was in use , and there was no vetting of weekend staff to prevent excessive overtime ; and there was failure to communicate both up and down lines of management .
4 At a 1 : 1 000 000 scale each overlay consists of 200 Mb of data , a figure that is expected to increase to 500 Mb when the digitization programme is completed in 1989 .
5 Attention to surveillance and the rational use of primary and secondary resources are still needed , but as we try to add ‘ quality to quantity ’ we may need to look to social science as well as to epidemiology .
6 Beyond that , law centres would be expected to look to local authorities and other sources to fund work arising out of other needs of the communities they serve .
7 While the exclusion does not specifically refer to damage to underground pipes or cables , the above exclusions would be deemed to refer to such circumstances and therefore cover would only operate for damage to underground pipes and services when these exclusions are deleted .
8 Some of the hormones known to affect the nervous system , such as the endorphins ( p 230 ) , now appear to bind to immune cells as well , and probably influence their behaviour .
9 job mobility : will the employee be expected to move to another town if the employer wants him to work elsewhere ?
10 And then the , the fourth thing there that Jesus wants to show to this woman as well , was that he wanted to break the power of sin in her life .
11 From the early years following the introduction of the 1924 Regulations , experience showed that the net income derived from grant-aid , coupled with the District 's policy of setting its student fees at the lowest possible level to encourage enrolments , failed to lead to financial self-sufficiency and the District 's financial difficulties , although eased initially , were not eradicated .
12 The report is not intended to lead to new regulations but to establish an agenda for HSE work .
13 It is permanently divisive , as well as educationally mean and unadventurous , to establish deliberately a kind of school within which the curriculum is so inward-looking that those who followed it could not , for example , hope to proceed to higher education or ultimately into one of the professions .
14 Consultants have also been instructed to proceed to detailed design and tender with a view to having the site cleared .
15 If the subject is instructed to attend to one ear and ignore the sounds coming into the other ear , all the sounds in the attended ear will produce an enhanced N100 component in the ERP .
16 Hybrid Tea bush types After attending to the basics or primary aspects — removing completely all dead , diseased and feeble wood ( you wo n't find much of this in the first year ) — seek to prune to outward-pointing buds that will grow out along the line of growth , not sideways , so that this growth leads to an open cup or shuttlecock shape .
17 Mary Midgley is alone amongst prominent liberationists in refusing to truckle to moral theories that , as she sees it , unduly promote one aspect of the problem ( consequences for the utilitarians , the value of life for Regan ) at the expense of others equally important :
18 Royal watchers said that during the first official engagement of the day the royal couple appeared to be in fairly good spirits , although they were not seen to talk to each other or exchange glances .
19 The handsome and sombre costumes , historically accurate , are relieved by colour only in the auto-da-fe , which seemed to belong to another production and signally failed to make the flesh creep , even when the fire was lit in the victims ' underground cage .
20 But my spine seemed to turn to cold stone when I saw two other groups converging on the scene of combat .
21 Alternative responses to the early stages of the National Curriculum build not from rigid hierarchies of tasks , but from pedagogical principles flexibly applied to respond to different individuals and groups , and based on an understanding of broad developmental principles and their diverse expression in individual children 's work.6
22 While the exclusion does not specifically refer to damage to underground pipes or cables , the above exclusions would be deemed to refer to such circumstances and therefore cover would only operate for damage to underground pipes and services when these exclusions are deleted .
23 There were charming carillons on the Continent , but something dreadful seemed to happen to Catholic bells when they crossed the Channel .
24 The Court held , however , that the phrase ‘ in accordance with law ’ means that the law ‘ must be sufficiently clear in its terms to give citizens an adequate indication as to the circumstances in which and the conditions on which public authorities are empowered to resort to this secret and potentially dangerous interference with the right to respect for private life and correspondence .
25 These notions of space and time seemed to correspond to common sense and reality .
26 Section 6(3) of the 1987 Act provides for statutory conditions of service to continue to apply to existing contracts until new provision is made .
27 Sure enough , Marc quirked his brow and asked , ‘ You intend to stick to this story that she knew nothing of your financial prospects ? ’
28 He said : ‘ If I tell you where I sold it you are going to go to those people and I wo n't be able to sell to them any more .
29 You know , you 've only got to go to Eastern Europe and China , you know , these places have been completely erm , insulated from any world trade .
30 He 's got to go to those trustees and let them know I 'm capable of handling my own money . ’
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