Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] the most important [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In recent years the autumn statement publication has been considerably expanded to incorporate the most important details of programme expenditure which were formerly incorporated in the public expenditure white paper ( PEWP ) .
2 WACC 's work in this area has now been resumed and greater efforts have to be made to popularise the most important findings .
3 He looked like a man who was going to win the most important game of his life .
4 But right now , I 'm going to do the most important thing that there is for me to do .
5 Three criteria have been chosen , attempting to measure the most important attributes of company performance over the year .
6 Option B , which aims to maintain the most important London commuter-lines does not have any lines running through the densely populated commuter region of North Kent .
7 Asked to list the most important qualities to be considered in purchasing a new car , respondents placed fuel economy fourth on the list ( after reliability , all round vision , and accident avoidance ) , and air pollution control sixth .
8 At the end of a drama session the children can be asked to consider the most important moments in the drama and create ( say ) three images or " photographs " of those moments .
9 Having been working on a drama spontaneously , the class ( either as a whole group , or in small groups ) are asked to consider the most important moment in the story so far , and to represent that moment as a still image .
10 ‘ If I were asked to name the most important date in the history of the human race , I would answer without hesitation August 6 1945 .
11 The right to take tithes , i.e. a share of the produce of the land in kind , originally vested only in ecclesiastical persons and bodies , was at the Reformation transferred in many cases to laymen , though tithes continued to form the most important kind of ecclesiastical endowment .
12 Marwan Hoss with an array of contemporary works priced mainly at FFr70,000–150,000 managed to sell the most important watercolour by Jean Helion on his stand .
13 Very much a select bibliography , as the introduction makes clear , since it attempts to list the most important databases from the much larger number available .
14 Two thousand words to thank Penelope Leach for her Penguin baby guide book , which has replaced anything by Beckett , Greer , Tynan , Ballard or Updike to become the most important book in my library .
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