Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] the [noun pl] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Did n't din did n't the man that came to collect the pools last night tell you ?
2 NONE of the 27,310 who paid to see the Tennents Scottish Cup semi-final between Airdrie and Hearts at Hampden Park will wish to see a repeat of such numbing mediocrity in the replay tomorrow week .
3 The shrewd Smailes has already agreed to buy the beers all night in the event of a half century being scored from this direction this summer , in one innings that is .
4 In moving to a SmartStream client-server environment , most organisations would have to replace predominantly dumb end-user terminals with more expensive personal computer clients needed to run the Windows front end and other tools as well as buying a slew of different software packages , albeit from a single supplier .
5 In moving to a SmartStream client/server environment , most organisations would have to replace predominantly dumb end-user terminals with more expensive personal computer clients needed to run the Windows front end and other tools as well as buying a slew of different software packages , albeit from a single supplier .
6 In this way Better Shoe obtained a mailing list which they could use to mail the mothers further information when the child was nine months old .
7 The leader of the small Social Democratic Party , Zardusht Ali Zade , had withdrawn as a presidential candidate on July 17 , as the opposition sought to deny the elections any semblance of legitimacy .
8 In other words , everyone should be aiming to meet the requirements first time , every time and without errors .
9 A sizeable number of middle and senior managers are invited to join the directors each month for the regular post-board lunch .
10 oh I do n't want pigeon looks as I 'll have to clean the brasses this week
11 I decided to visit the Marines that evening and , after thanking Mick for his hospitality , made my way back to the orchard , thinking that as I had visited each Commando unit each day when we were in England , why not now that we were in France ?
12 This project will study two different groups of men and aims to describe the strategies each group adopts in establishing a masculine identity .
13 I 'd hate to drop the tomatoes half way across the road .
14 Did mum tell you we went to see the Bachelors last night ?
15 Well , we attempt to give the answers this week , albeit in the full knowledge that nothing will be done because no one in authority takes the matter seriously .
16 He could not really account for what he did , moving from duty to duty like a sleep walker , so buoyed up he did n't even bother to study the stars that night , in spite of the sky being cloud free .
17 Young skin contains well formed Collagen fibres , a natural biological material which is vital in helping to maintain the skins youthful appearance .
18 England under 21 keeper Gerrard saved from Cottee and Beagrie as the home side struggled and even the introduction of second half substitutes former Evertonians Neil Adams and Graeme Sharp failed to unsettle the visitors confident stride .
19 Whatever happens to Hereford 's traffic , at least city dwellers can continue to enjoy the centuries old peace and tranquillity of the Lugg Meadows .
20 By " special constructions " we mean in particular cumulative lists of adjectives as in ( 12 ) , where , however , the order may be explained by the quite general if ill-defined tendency to leave " heavy " constituents to the latest possible point , as in ( 13 ) : ( 12 ) policies foreign , social and educational ( 13 ) that salesman has just come back who kept getting in the way when you were trying to vaccinate the ewes last week Postnominal associatives may also just possibly be admitted in constructions expressing sharp opposition : ( 14 ) scientists nuclear but not biological The latter type , however , is at best questionable ; and , as a good general rule , we may say that associative adjectives do not normally occur in postnominal position .
21 I 'd love to save the taxpayers some money and shoot it out with you . ’
22 With no-one left to take the lines Second Coxswain William Davies and assistant mechanic John Jonas went aboard and secured the lifeboat , but before the stern line could be attached the heavy swell rolled the lifeboat 's starboard quarter against the vessel 's side bending the quarter rails .
23 If Wilson 's maid could be guaranteed to clean the rooms each day and deal with washing , which could be sent out , and empty the slops and bring up hot water then that would suffice .
24 I wanted to savour the differences this area had to offer .
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