Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] the [noun sg] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 We may need to read the poem several times to appreciate the way in which an effect of spontaneity is achieved within an extremely rigid verse form .
2 ‘ I 'm being very upfront about it , it 's finally time , 20 years later , ’ he told a writer as he prepared to record the album this time last year .
3 You are going to hear the music several times .
4 Some would like to make the job full time .
5 ‘ If they each do their own thing they will repeat things , but if we can bring that all together and have a centralised repository for the work that people have done , it will save having to reinvent the wheel each time .
6 A die-hard SVR4 advocate , Tandem is interested in seeing its fault-tolerant enablers incorporated in the base operating system to save it from having to re-invent the wheel each time a revision is done and to allow it to focus on true value-added differentiators .
7 Since I would have to start the engine some time in any case , it might be best to do so now , cloaked by the noise of the steam engine thudding somewhere overhead .
8 As we have seen , horses can learn some things very quickly , and once learnt it becomes a habit so they do n't have to reconsider the matter each time it arises .
9 Crawford 's grandmother , Edith Pike , went to see the show three times .
10 It 's almost painful to tell kids who have gone to see The Graduate eight times that once was enough for you because you 've already seen it eighty times with Charles Ray and Robert Harron and Richard Barthlemess and Richard Cromwell and Charles Farrell …
11 Warp factor one Mr Sulu , and do n't forget to release the handbrake this time .
12 It 's a question of trying to package the book properly , making sure the public know that it 's out , and also trying to widen the readership each time , find new outlets for the book .
13 I had to ring the bell several times before Karen finally appeared .
14 It was inconvenient for a villager to walk that far to report a theft , especially since he often had to make the trip several times if he wanted to complete a prosecution .
15 He had to tell the story umpteen times , getting a little further into the tale each time , whereupon she 'd ask to be taken from the beginning again .
16 You may find that you need to apply the solution several times and should obviously avoid doing the gob just before a rain storm is forecast .
17 With a traditional spreadsheet , if you 've got 5,000 product types , and you want to perform the same calculation on each — for instance subtract the costs from the sale price — you have to duplicate the formula 5,000 times .
18 It is like taking out a mortgage : we have to repay the loan many times over .
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