Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] its [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Germany agreed to suspend its claims for the payment of debts incurred by the former Soviet Union to former East Germany until the year 2000 , while in exchange Russia abandoned all claims for compensation for Soviet military property and installations in former East Germany .
2 But Cecil 's string was struggling to find its form at the time and Rainbow Lake could manage no better than a modest sixth to subsequent Derby fourth Cairo Prince .
3 It plans to continue to increase its investment in the development of application software and associated software tools .
4 On the night of Oct. 4-5 small-scale fighting occurred in the capital , Kigali , but the RPF failed to consolidate its position beyond the north-eastern area .
5 His difficult relations with Roosevelt only confirmed his realist 's intuition that , beneath its idealistic rhetoric , the United States planned to establish its domination throughout the non-communist world .
6 UNITED Biscuits , the food conglomerate , yesterday moved to tighten its grip on the UK snacks market with the £24 million takeover of Derwent Valley Food Group , makers of Phileas Fogg snacks .
7 The organisation wants to increase its investments at the rate of a dozen or so per year .
8 It has to pick its way through the minefield of NT and Unix and estimate whether COSE is bigger than just the desktop .
9 It has to pick its way through the minefield of NT and Unix and estimate whether COSE is bigger than just the desktop .
10 First , that the appeal with which the Board is concerned is that brought by special leave from the decision of Barnett J. Secondly , whilst their Lordships fully understand why the Court of Appeal should have wished to state its opinion on the questions argued , any observations concerning the merits of an appeal which should not be before the court must necessarily be extra-judicial .
11 According to the Legend — the propaganda of a papacy that by this time was endeavouring to assert its independence of the emperor — on the eighth day after his conversion , the Emperor Constantine divested himself of the imperial symbols , prostrated himself before Pope Sylvester and laid down his crown .
12 The German athletics federation ( DLV ) panel , which is expected to announce its decision by the end of the month , has put a great deal of emphasis on the findings of the reports .
13 At Object World , NeXT Computer Inc is expected to announce its membership of the Object Management Group .
14 The City Take-over Panel , which has to give its blessing to the ending of the contract , could take a dim view of the decision not to proceed with a formal bid .
15 The Ministry of Agriculture , Forestry and Fisheries is expected to use its supercomputer for the rice genome project at the National Institute of Agrobiological Resources in Tsukuba , but the ministry has yet to reveal its plans .
16 The deal is strategically important for Morland which wants to stretch its influence to the South East of England where all the new pubs are .
17 The deal is strategically important for Morland which wants to stretch its influence to the South East of England where all the new pubs are .
18 Born out of the 1981 recession , and buoyed by the boom that followed , BITC , with 500 members , now has to reassess its role in the downswing and how it should direct the evolution of community involvement through the 1990s .
19 By broadening our view of quality from the early days , we 've come to realise its importance as the framework for everything we do . ’
20 ‘ By broadening our view of quality from the early days , we 've come to realise its importance as the framework for everything we do . ’
21 EC finance ministers have agreed that an intermediary in a triangular supply of goods can opt to have its customer in the country of destination account for VAT on the intermediary 's behalf ( p 102 ) .
22 EC finance ministers have now agreed that an intermediary can opt to have its customer in the country of destination account for VAT on the intermediary 's behalf .
23 Society , she says , may need to change its attitude to the perpetrators , from a climate where they are seen as ‘ monsters ’ faced with imprisonment to one where they can admit what has happened .
24 The court therefore has to approach its construction on the footing that the new Act may exhibit policies and intentions which are not necessarily the same as those in the earlier Act , and which require similar words to be given different meanings from those which the courts gave them under the earlier legislation .
25 The Tribune group has sent out a list of candidates who are bidding to join its slate for the 18 Shadow Cabinet places .
26 President Roh reacted to the election defeat by stating , on March 25 , that " the government and the ruling party should humbly acknowledge the people 's will " , and should seek to improve its management of the economy .
27 The definitive chassis , designed by Englishman Tony Southgate , is expected to make its debut in the last two WSC races this year .
28 If industry were unable to draw on a suitably trained and appropriately educated work-force , how could Britain be expected to make its way in the world 's markets ?
29 Digital Equipment Corp is expected to make its move into the open systems transaction processing market this month with OSF/1 and Windows NT versions of its ACMS Application Control and Management System .
30 Digital Equipment Corp is expected to make its move into the open systems on-line transaction processing marketplace this month with OSF/1 and Windows NT versions of its ACMS Application Control and Management System .
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