Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [adv prt] to the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 I began to realise that life like this could not last for ever and so I asked to go back to the Cheshire Home for a holiday .
2 I do n't want to go back to the Evans 's , I really do n't , I never did want to be there but it 's worse now , not better .
3 Next summer mum was told she would have to go back into hospital for a long time , and because I already knew the place , I agreed to go back to the Cheshire Home for this period .
4 Debbie had said she did n't want to come back to the States .
5 Both were successful in their task , Phyllisia no longer has to go back to the West Indies and Celie was reunited with all her family .
6 I 'm going to change subjects now , but if you want to come back to the Gulf , do feel free , the lines are open on three double one , one double one , but I in the meantime we 'll take a couple of calls on different subjects erm let's go to June from Shillingford , hello June .
7 Despite the GLC 's lack of success with London buses and the London underground , the Labour party wants to give back to the GLC not only the buses and the underground but Network SouthEast .
8 I am shortly to find out , for I am booked to fly out to the Falkland Islands in a few days !
9 But he went down to Suffolk very often , much more often perhaps than he would have done had Wyvis Hall been destined to pass back to the Berelands or on to one of those cousins in the United States .
10 Martha , who had decided to stop thinking about the inconvenience they were causing , asked Woodie not to stop at the boats ; they would like to go on to the New King 's Road .
11 Well we 're still waiting to go back to the Manor Ground and catch up with Nick Harris .
12 ‘ I would like to play through to the Canada tournament then call it a day , hopefully going out in a blaze of glory . ’
13 We would like to hold on to the VHS copies for a further 3 weeks .
14 We have got to face up to the Warner Report as well , which is to do with staffing in community homes , and again , that 's an issue which we can pick up later , as we go into detailed reports .
15 Well before we talk about those those general principles , I 'd like to get back to the Banbury school opt out decision .
16 On page 10 , the report stated : ‘ Two days after the downing of Pan Am 103 , the Iranian embassy in Beirut receives a phone call from the Interior Ministry in Teheran , intercepted , during which the ambassador is told to hand over to the PFLP — GC the remaining funds , size and scope not specified , and is being congratulated for the ‘ successful operation ’ . ’
17 ‘ I like to go down to the Albert Dock but I ca n't manage it very well without the scooter . ’
18 ‘ Of course there is always the risk that other bidders will decide to go along to the DTI and offer to drill more wells than us , or deeper ones , perhaps in the manner of a loss-leader .
19 I 'll , I 'll be going to the village hall but I might have to go back to the Cross Keys , that 's why I put Roger , perhaps I put the wrong thing on you see ?
20 She could have refused to go back to the Ward house , but she owed this woman everything .
21 They started to walk back to the Mercedes .
22 FOR THE PHOTO SHOOT , we decide to trek out to the NASA Space Center .
23 A researcher sent to report back to the Jane Goodall Institute kept hearing of captive chimps under sentence of death unless a place was found for them .
24 He left me to become acquainted with the religious environment , and then handed me a paperback entitled Modern Buddhism in Burma , which he had edited in cooperation with Kenneth Saunders , warden of the YMCA hostel , and already a translator of the Dhamma-pada , a collection of short sayings thought to go back to the Buddha .
25 ‘ Well , if you were intending to go back to the States with your fiancée … ’
26 NORTHANTS might just struggle to hold on to the NatWest trophy they won on Sunday .
27 When Stephen 's mother was told of their intended trip , she immediately offered to move back to the Manor , to oversee the children .
28 We are preparing to move back to the States within the next month , and we will miss all of those persons who have made our stay at QP a pleasant one .
29 No sooner had you got used to being able to have the lights on whenever you wanted , than you ( or Dad ) had to trail down to the BP station with a jerry-can in your hand and beg for half a gallon of four-star .
30 Crocker had to fly back to the USA the following day , so there was limited time to convert John Allison with the airshow being held the following day .
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