Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [adv prt] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 veteran cars , who wants to , who wants to drive around in an old Ford Poplar of of twenty , twenty five , thirty years ago ?
2 They went away thanking her for her help , and promised to come back in a few weeks ' time when Bruno 's booster injection was due .
3 ‘ Unless you want to end up in the Mediterranean . ’
4 Many of the changes that helped to bring about in the 1970s a new , more fragmented and more intractable congress would have happened irrespective of the misdemeanours of the Nixon administration .
5 After various consultations with interested parties , it was decided to carry on in the traditional manner .
6 They seemed to give up in the second half , failed to mark anyone , gave Wallace ( who was running riot ) as much space as he wanted , and left Quinn up , waddling around ( usually into an offside position ) like a half-deflated barrage baloon ( with a tache ) .
7 My dad , who , as I have already told you , was a docker by trade , never seemed to take that much interest in any of us and though he could sometimes earn as much as a pound a week , the money always seemed to end up in the Black Bull , where it was spent on pint after pint of ale , and gambled away on games of cribbage or dominoes in the company of our next-door neighbour , Bert Shorrocks , a man who never seemed to speak , just grunt .
8 Another political time bomb , waiting to go off in the New Year , is a Select Committee inquiry into Britain 's overall energy needs .
9 so she 's got to go back in a few weeks ' time
10 Cos I 've got to go out in a few minutes .
11 ‘ The region has got to come out in the open and to do more than what they have been doing before to make a real commitment to get rid of racism , particularly institutional racism which has been built up over many , many years . ’
12 ‘ The region has got to come out in the open and to do more than what they have been doing before to make a real commitment to get rid of racism , particularly institutional racism which has been built up over many , many years . ’
13 ‘ Acid house was nothing to what 's in store , ’ he says , and Danny nods excitedly in agreement : ‘ Who knows what 's going to come along in the next few years ? ’
14 We are all frightened that fossil fuels are going to run out in the foreseeable future , and I wonder if i could ask you about one or two possibilities .
15 The political reporters on all stations have paid tribute to the outstanding contribution made by my right hon. Friend , and the way in which he trumped the sporting aphorisms of the Prime Minister , used in the orchestrated triumph that we have had to live through in the past few weeks from a Government rocked on their heels by the assault from the Opposition today .
16 ‘ Contacts at professional and academic level , seminars , familiarisation with techniques , will build up a rapport which tends to pay off in the long run , ’ he said .
17 The client may say , ‘ My heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to have a heart attack ’ , or , ‘ I ca n't cope any more ’ , or , ‘ I think I 'm going to end up in a mental hospital ’ .
18 ‘ I thought I might find them laughing at poor Daddy , ’ Rose said , allowing her own shock and fear to ease out in the nervous laughter , but Maggie 's face remained pale and serious .
19 Lights began to go on in the dark houses , and I relished my melancholy to the last drop .
20 Perhaps the topic that worries you may be scheduled to come up in a later training session — but it happens today .
21 It began to break down in the post-war years and during that period , too , the concentration of control functions in London also began to increase .
22 There were hundreds of different languages spoken on the Australian continent when the Europeans began to take over in the late eighteenth century .
23 ‘ … the idea of pedestrian/vehicle segregation began to take off in the 1950s and much of the pioneer work was done in the new towns .
24 Cricket was just beginning to take off in the mid-19th century .
25 Notice is set to go up in the local regsistrar 's office on Thursday , just 48 hours before they walk down the aisle .
26 ‘ She 'll have to go down in the fattening fields with the cows . ’
27 so you know the , these one thing you 'll have to work out in a logical side of revelation
28 After days of reflection she decided to write back in the same icy terms Philip had used with her .
29 Companies behind with their accounts and returns submissions will have to catch up in the next 12 months .
30 ‘ We wanted to play Dublin but all the venues were booked out months ago , so we 'll have to come back in the New Year and do somewhere like the SFX or the Stadium .
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