Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's quite usual to pay a deposit to show that you intend to go ahead with the deal and if you back out the repairer is entitled to keep the money .
2 Do you want to go ahead with the Tuesday stall ?
3 Do you want to go ahead on the lines which have brought prosperity at home ?
4 HEAVYWEIGHTS , it is said , take a while to mature but tend to remain longer in the sport .
5 However , district councillors felt that none of the objections justified any changes to the proposed order and agreed to go ahead with the scheme .
6 I used to discuss with my brother ways and means of becoming martyrs , and we agreed to go together to the land of the Moors , begging our way for the love of God , so that we might be beheaded there … .
7 They tend to go always to the top of the
8 The negotiators agreed to meet again before the end of November , and although no date was arranged for the holding of full normalization talks , it was suggested that these might begin before the end of 1990 .
9 Senior Ukraine officials held heated talks in Sevastopol yesterday with fleet leaders and agreed to meet again in the future .
10 He does not want to fade away from the scene .
11 It may therefore be proposed that BRAC 's programme failed to communicate properly with the practitioners and consequently alienated them with regard to the concept of the lobon-gur mixture .
12 Can you tell me something about the crowd itself , erm did particular age groups tend to stand together around the ground or were the young
13 The therapist also suggested that Pamela should tell her parents more about what she was doing ; for example , what time she planned to come home in the evening .
14 10.7.6 In respect of the due exercise of any right or licence ( i ) confirmed or granted or ( ii ) agreed to be granted under the provisions of Clauses 10.7.2 , 10.7.3 and 10.7.4 , each Party ( i ) grants or ( ii ) agrees to grant respectively a licence under any intellectual property rights in respect of results and ( i ) grants or ( ii ) agrees to grant respectively to the extent reasonably necessary for such due exercise a licence under any background intellectual property right , and undertakes to procure like grants or agreements to grant from its Related companies .
15 The recession , which we expected to fade away through the year , has hit us full on , and as I write there is little sign of light at the end of the proverbial tunnel .
16 People from Europe will want to come directly to the centre , so King 's Cross would bring greater benefits from tourism .
17 President , Congress , Roy London Region moving motion two five five on the T & G. Colleagues , let's make it clear , this motion is not opposed to a merger of the T & G. What it seeks to do is put forward another idea which is to continue to work closely with the T & G on a wide range of jointly agreed .
18 This patient just wants to sit miserably by the fire , warming the back , or to lie tucked up cosily in bed , and does not want to move around or to make any effort whatsoever .
19 Lahaina 's sponges can be folded or rolled to go anywhere in the filter .
20 Students appear to acquire more in the way of fluency than accuracy :
21 If a woman needs to go underground from the unsafety of her own home , she can find sanctuary in the network of " safe houses " set up by the Women 's Aid Federation .
22 WABI is now also expected to go forward into the COSE initiative .
23 Chinese parents do , of course , shower love and attention on their children but it is always made quite clear that child's-play has to remain well within the limits of normal social behaviour .
24 But his interests appear to remain firmly with the purchasers ' ‘ needs ’ — and pockets — as he advises : ‘ If you want to buy a girl from one of the escort firms it will cost you quite a lot .
25 He tried to sit casually on the edge of his desk , farted loudly and stood up again .
26 You do n't need to go actually to the end with your numbers but you can take your line right along there cos you might find at the last minute there 's an extra one you want to put on .
27 Even the Chancellor of Oxford University , Roy Jenkins , has to wait outside on the steps of the Clarendon buildings on a cold November morning , when the Sultan of Brunei is in town .
28 This would lead us to look not just at the ‘ outputs ’ from institutions , but at the ‘ inputs ’ , and at the achievements of students who would traditionally not have been considered to be capable of achieving success , as well as those who could be expected to perform well on the basis of their previous academic achievements .
29 My mate who is driving me to the match tomorrow says he wants to go straight to the ground so I wo n't be able to get to the Adelphi .
30 The script assumes that this is your LSTRAIN process — if it is a live process , then make sure that the user you create to do the QA is a name that you really want to sit directly under the Manager .
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