Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To help get this message across the Come & See Programme is designed to allow us to be frank and open about what we do and to allow the public to hear the true story behind nuclear power .
2 I did n't need to tell her to be careful .
3 When I got there he was pleased to see me ; he seemed to expect us to be able to do something about his leg but of course we could n't .
4 But in the 1950s the first wave of modern consumerism transformed people 's lifestyles so that they came to expect it to be right and natural that they should have consumer durables ( and increasingly non-durable goods ) .
5 ‘ Now I 'm going to ask you to be indiscreet .
6 He looked as if he was going to tell her to be quiet , and Maggie 's temper rose .
7 ‘ I said I would have to teach you to be beautiful , and I do n't intend to fail . ’
8 As to that other matter — ’ he stood up and came round his desk ‘ — I do n't have to ask you to be discreet , do I ?
9 ( Tye does compare this learning to learning to balance a pencil on your nose , but if that comparison is made to do any work , Tye 's theory will simply be a behaviouristic one , and he usually seems to want it to be more than this . )
10 The Zoo authorities soon recognized that he understood animals and offered to promote him to be one of the keepers .
11 The other market for CICS/2 may do something — the company hopes to sell it to are those businesses ‘ upsizing ’ their applications .
12 The use of word-processing helps to release them to be concerned with the content and not restrained by the process .
13 He may admit ( unwisely again ) that in using that proposition as a premise he is implicitly claiming to know it to be true .
14 ‘ But the Thing is trying to get him to be sensible .
15 Lori sent him one of her most seductive smiles that made Paige long to warn her to be careful .
16 We have to leave them to be independent and responsible people in their own right .
17 Dr Neil wanted to tell her to be careful , that she really had little idea of how hard and cruel the world was outside the privileged fastness in which she had previously lived , but he contented himself with saying instead , ‘ Have a good time , McAllister .
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